His Wife - The Maid - An Adult Story

I was just finishing up some work on my desk. It was close to 8pm. I was working some long hours this week. It had been three weeks since I got home at a decent hour. I'm usually the only one left in the building. Tonight I got a call from one of my sales guy. He was running late. Bob was in his late forties. He had been married for about ten years. He married a woman he found on a dating site. It was love at first site for him. For me it was lust at first site. He was one lucky guy. His wife was smoking hot. She was in her late thirties. She was about 5ft 10 with an hour glass figure. She had a tiny waist, big thick hips and a ass that left my eyes wanting more. Plus she was gifted in the breast department. She had to be at least a 44JJ if not bigger. I used to invite him and his wife to the company picnic just so I good check her out. Two years ago I invited them to my house to see her up close and personal. How ever I did get to talk with her that night. Bob sent her to wait in the car after she came out of the bathroom.

Bob made her always dress very conservative. Long skirts. Loose fitting clothes. She had her blonde hair in a bun all the time. But damn could she fill out a top. Once I passed a window and saw her bending over. Her skirt moved down and she was not wearing any underwear. Bob was very strict with her. She had to eat at a different table than the male associates. She was not allowed to talk to anyone. Especially guys. But he on the other hand was always flirting with different women. Most of them were skinny chicks. The exact opposite of his wife. I used to have to fix my cock in my jeans any time I saw Cheryl.

I turned off the light to my office. I locked the front door. I saw Bob car across the parking lot. I got in my SUV. I slowly made my way over to his car. It was dark but very quite. I pulled up to his old car. I looked down from my window as I eased my driver side window down. I looked in the back seat to see Bob and another woman. She was maybe 5ft and very skinny. She had her head in the window and he was eating her big hairy pussy. I smiled when she looked up at me. I then saw his small cock in his hand. He was jerking it as he ate the poor girls hairy pussy. She tapped him on the head. He pulled his face off and looked at me. He got a big frown. He saw me looking at him and the woman in the back seat. Just then he came in his hand. He wiped the small load on the girls ass. I saw him zip up and toss the girl out the side door. She cussed at him as she walked across the parking lot. She had a fast food uniform on. I guess she was go backing to the drive thru.

I looked at Bob who was now standing next to my SUV. "Buck! How is it going? How was work today?" he said. I looked at Bob. I shook my head "No!" "I'm good Bob. I see your day has been a little better than mine. Did you ask for a apple pie with your happy meal and she came with it?" I said. Bob smiled. "No! She the daughter of a neighbor that lives behind me. I used the baby sit her. Now I take to her work at the burger joint around from the office." he said. "I see. Does her parents know what you do with her? Even better yet. Does Cheryl know about this?" I said. "No! and My wife does not need to know anything. She lucky to be married to me. She would no approve. But she never leave me. I own her. I got the marriage certificate to prove it." Bob said with a smile. "True! Maybe your right. But maybe she like to know. I mean every wife should know what there husband is up to. Especially at work. I mean you were in my parking lot. I can't lie to your wife. I mean the next picnic for the company. I would have a hard time keeping quite." I said.

Bob looked angry. I'm about 6ft 4 with a nice athletic build. He is a small guy about a foot shorter than me. He is also a skinny guy with a big pot belly. He has put on some weight since last year. I looked at him again. He was looking down at his shoes. "Listen! Buck! Boss!! Do me a big favor and say you never saw this. I was not even here. You came to see me after work. I was already gone. You saw my tail light leave the parking lot after 8pm." he said. "I don't know. That would still be ling to people. Plus we have video of the parking lot. There got to be a camera around her somewhere." I said. "Please!! Please!!! Come on boss. Listen I have to go. You think about it. I trust you will do the right thing." he said. Bob jumped back in his car. He sped out.

I got home. I opened my Rolodex. I pulled out Bob number. I called his house. "Hello! Bob Williams residence. This is his wife. How may I help you?" said Cheryl. "Oh Hi! Mrs. Williams...Buck Kelly here. How are you this fine evening?" I said. "Oh Mr. Kelly. I am doing very well. Bob just got home. You got him working late again. Fourth time this week. He must be important." she said. I guess the neighbor daughter been working all this week at night. I let everyone go including him this week at 5pm. Damn what a husband. "Well! Everyone plays an important role." I said. He herd some noise in the background. Then the phone went quite. I could here some mumbling.

"Hey Boss. What's up. What's the big emergency. You need me to stay late gain tomorrow night?" he said. "Bob! No! I don't need you to say late you old dog. I was just calling to see if you got the smell of your neighbors 21 year old daughter off you yet. I mean how is the wife doing?" I said. "Oh that is great. Everything is good to go. I was just telling my wife how I got some water on my clothes. I need to go take a shower. Working hard all day." he said. "Have a great night Bob. I will see you at work tomorrow." I said. I click off the phone.

I got up early. I headed to work about an hour earlier then the rest of my employees. I went to the security booth to get last night security footage of the parking lot. Sure enough there was Bob getting it on with his neighbors daughter. I even zoomed in quite close to see her face with his fingers inside her. I checked the last 4 nights footage to see him and her in different positions in his car. He had quite the operation going on in my parking lot. I don't usually get mad. I get even. I had to teach him a lesson.

I checked my watch. It was close to 7am. I downloaded the security footage into my computer. I clicked on last night escapade's. I hit the send key on my key board. Five minutes later the phone to my office rang. "Hello! Buck here!" I said. "Boss! What is going on. I just got an email from the office. How did you get that. I mean!! I can't believe your fooling around with this." Bob said. "I came in early to get some work done. I just happen to stumble across this video. I figured you want to see it right away. I even got the girls name off her name tag. I just love when they put last names on the badge. I called information. Would you not believe a Mr. Tanner lives right behind you. He had a wife and two kids. One of them is just the same age as the girl in the back seat with you last night." I said. "What??? Are you fucking with me boss. I am a good guy. A good husband. I mean you wouldn't tell anyone. I go to church with her parents. My wife would be devastated." Bob said.

I had to think. It was going a little quick. "Where are you at Bob right now?" I said. "I am sitting in my office working on my computer." he said. "Click off the porn. Where is your wife?" I said. "What? I don't look at porn. I am working at my computer. She is up stairs making the bed, getting out my clothes and starting my shower. Why do you ask? What is in it for you?" he said. "I was just curious. Wait you make your wife does all that for your lazy ass. Why did I hire you again? I need to talk to Sarah in human resources about you today. I can't have that stuff going on in my parking lot. Plus your a family guy committing adultery for god sakes with your neighbors daughter. Fuck I am going to get hit my lightening being around you." I said.

"Listen! No harm no foul. Nobody his getting hurt. I am innocent for god sakes." Bob said. "Bob do you do anything around your house or does poor Cheryl have to do everything for your lazy ass." I said. "She does all the work. She is very good at. That why I married her. I bring home the bacon. She eats it all but I bring it home." he said. "Your the husband of the year." I said. "Are you making fun of me? Listen! This would damage me greatly. I can't afford to loose my marriage. My house. My job and I don't want the girls father coming over to harm me. What is it going to take to get me out from under this? Are we talking money? What is it going to take?" he said in a low tone.

"I need to think. Come into my office when you get here. Do not flirt with my Secretary or anyone in the office today. Then after your done in my office. I will figure out where to send you." I said. I heard him grunt as he hung up the phone. I then moved my chair around facing the parking lot. I walked over to the window. I had to laugh. What was I going to do. Then it hit me. Bam!!!!!!

It was about an hour later when I opened my door to my office. I pointed to were Bob could stand while I talk to him. "Ok! I don't want to see you loose every thing. But I am going to give you some advise. First! You need to break off the thing with the young girl. She does not need a old man in her life. Apologize to her in a note. Write it while I talk to you. I will give it to her at lunch today. She working the lunch hour today. I already called her boss to ask." I said. Bob mouth dropped open. "Next! No more flirting with any employee in this building or with the company. I see it or find out and your fired. Do I make myself clear on that point?" I said. "Yes! Your the Boss. Boss!" he said. "Finally. I was walking through my house today before coming to work. It is a little messy. I had a party last week that left my basement a mess. I need my pool and hot tub skimmed. My carpets cleaned. I have some dishes, laundry and other things that need to be done." I said.

"Wait! Your not asking me to do them. Do you want me to be your Butler or something. I know your house, its big." Bob said. "No! I don't want you to clean my house. I want your wife to come clean it. I need someone who is good. You said she was the best." I said. "Wait you want my overweight wife to come clean your house." he said. "Yes! I want her to clean my house. Tomorrow is Saturday. Drive her over and drop her off. Bring her to the front door of my house. Go home and she will call you when she is ready to come home. Also bring your computer and leave it in my garage. I don't want you looking at porn all day while your wife working." I said. "Let me get this straight. You want me to bring my wife to your house. Drop her off. Leave my computer and come pick her up later when she is ready. Then you will erase the tapes. Destroy the evidence and I will get off." Bob said. "Yes! I think its a fair deal." I said.

"What should I tell my wife? What should I tell her on why she is at my boss house on a Saturday?" he said. "You had a chance to make some extra money for her. Tell her that I will pay her after she is done with the cleaning. She should listen and do what ever I tell her. Do a good job and there a big bonus at the end. Listen if she does a great job I will give you some money and not her. Tell her to listen me and everything will be good." I said. Bob put his hand on his chin. "Ok! Boss what ever you say. I will drop her off tomorrow. What time and what should she wear. She is kinda of big. I don't think you want her dressed up. I got a big tent she can wear." Bob started laughing. "Drop her off at 10am. I got allot of work she can do. Just have her wear what she normally does. I have a uniform for her to wear when she gets to my house. Do you need directions how to get there or can you remember from last time you were drunk and passed out in my bushes." I said. "Got it! See you at 10am. I'm glad we can get passed what happen last night." said Bob. "Don't forget to leave your computer in my garage." I said. Bob walked out.

I left work around 2pm to get ready for tomorrow. I had to go mess up my house first. I keep the very clean. I'm not a big fan of being messy. I took my laundry down to the laundry room. I put some shirts, towels, under wear, socks around the house. I took out some dishes and made them dirty. I left them out. I got some pizza delivered. I left that out. I moved all the pillows on my couches. I looked around. The house was a little messy but nothing that could not be cleaned very quickly. I did some work before going to bed.

I did not make my bed when I got up on Saturday. I woke up around 7am. It was close to 8am when I got in the shower. I shaved my chest and touched up my body of hair. I shaved my balls and left a little patch of hair over my cock. I put some body spray, deodorant and brushed my teeth. I combed my short hair in the mirror. Not bad for a 24 year old guy waiting on his employees wife to come clean my house. I had some French toast for breakfast. I spilled the syrup on the counter. I left the milk out on the counter.

I made a big mess before I went back upstairs. I walked into my spare bedroom. It kinda of the guest bedroom. Its also were I have a ton of clothes, lingerie, bathing suits and heels for any ladies who might need to change. I usually go shopping with Mrs. T. She has great taste. I put some new makeup and nail polish on the bathroom counter. I put a new tooth brush, hair brush and some big gold hoop earring on the counter. I wanted Cheryl to get dressed up to clean my house. I need a little eye candy today. Not every day your employees hot wife comes to clean for you. I still could not figure out why Bob treated her so bad. I thought she was dropped dead gorgeous. The last company picnic, 4-5 guys tried to hit on her. Bob took her to the car and left there while he went back and flirted with some girls in accounting.

I walked back into the guest bedroom. I opened the big walk in closet. I flicked on the light. Damn there to much in here. I took out two different outfits for her to wear. I took out a matching black and red 6inch platform heels for her to wear. I had 4 different sizes in the heels. I knew one would fit her sexy feet. I put the black French Maid outfit on the right side of the bed. I put the red French Maid outfit on the left side of the bed. I put the heels on the floor in front of the two outfits. I then put some red/black silk panties and matching bras on the bed. I put some white hose for her to wear. With some white garters with 6 straps to hold the hose on her thick thighs. She had a small waist so I left a small gold chain on the bed. It was a belly chain for her. It had my initials in the middle. "BK" I was not sure if she even go for it. I left her a small note on the bed telling her how much she enjoy getting dressed up for her big day. I reached into the back of the closet. I pulled out a long grey skirt, a big old ripped sweat shirt. I placed them on a chair near the bed. I left a note on the bad clothes. "This is what Bob wanted you to wear." I wrote.

I put on some red silk boxers. A size to small. I looked down to see the thin cool material was already making my cock semi hard. That and I knew Cheryl would be here soon. I put on a red silk bathrobe with my initials in black on the top pocket. "BK" I walked down stairs. I sat on the end of my black leather couch waiting for my new maid to come to work.

"Ding! Dong!" It was my door bell. I waited a few minutes. This time there was a knock on the door. I walked down the hall. I stopped to see out the side glass around the front door. I looked out to see Bob standing about 5 feet behind his wife. She was wearing a long skirt, a long baggy shirt and jacket. In typical fashion he was already yelling at her. I could hear her say she was "sorry" a few times. I opened the door. "Good morning. Hi! Bob how are you?" I said. "Great Boss and yourself? Did you just get up? I see your still wearing your robe." Bob said. "Oh no! I have been up for quite sometime. I just got out of the shower. I worked out this morning. How about you Bob. When the last time you worked out??" I said. Cheryl giggled as she looked back at her husband. "Go ahead. Buck will pay you for cleaning his house today. Call me when he says your done. Do a good job like I told you. There a big bonus in it for me. Do what ever he tells you do. We already talked in his office. He is a very nice guy. Do a good job or else." Bob said in a strong tone.

"I opened the door for Cheryl to come in. I watched as Bob opened my garage door and put his computer inside. He walked to his small car and got in. He waved to me as he sped away. I turned to look at his wife. "I'm so glad you came. I can't tell you when the last time I had such a lovely woman in my house. I hope you can help Mrs. Williams? There just some light cleaning to do. As you can see I keep a neat house." I said. Cheryl looked around. "First! I just love your big house. I can't believe you live in such a nice house. I just love the view of the forest and trees around your house. I remember last year when we were here. How gorgeous it was. Plus you have always been so nice to me. I just hope I can help you. Your so young to be the Boss of your own company. When Bob told me you wanted me to come clean for you, I was kinda of excited. I don't get do much. Especially the weekends. I usually stay home while Bob goes out. He is helping our neighbors daughter get to work. Funny she is off today. I am not sure what he is going to do today. Mr. Kelly what should I do first?" she said.

"Thank you. That is very nice of you to say such kind thing about me. I have just been very busy working late nights. I guess the house is just got a little messy. I was thinking of hiring a big cleaning company to do the work. I just hate people I don't know inside my house. I have a friend who suggested hiring a person from work. Then I remember how nice you were. I remember how nice you looked. I just happen to see Bob in the parking lot the other night. That's when I asked him. He though it was a good idea. So we talked. I told him everything I was going to have you today. He was OK with it. In fact he encouraged me to bring out the big sexy gurl in you. So that when he suggested for you to get dressed for the part of my cleaning lady." I said. Cheryl smiled. "I will do what ever you tell me Mr. Kelly just lead the way." she said. "Buck is good. Mr. Kelly makes me sound older than 24. Can I call you Cheryl?" I said. "Oh that would be nice. Nobody calls me that. Bob usually makes fun of me. So this will be a big change." she said

"Follow me. I am going to wear this bathrobe all day. I hope you don't mind Cheryl. Its very comfortable. Plus I can get some work done while your cleaning." I said. "Ok! Do you need me to write or do some dictation please don't hesitate to ask. I write all of Bob's reports." she said. I just smiled as we walked to the 2nd floor of my house. We went up the big grand staircase. We got to the top. I opened the door to the guest room. "Ok Cheryl. I put out your French Maid uniforms on the bed. There two options for you to wear. Please go in the guest bathroom. There some thing for you to wear in there also. I left everything out for you. Take your time. I will be down stairs. When ever your ready on the black leather couch in the lving room. Take your time. I will see you when you get done. Any questions?" I said. "No! I am suppose to do what ever you say. Plus you did talk to Bob about this. He was OK with it or he would have told me. I will see you in a few minutes Buck." she said.

I closed the door and walked down stairs. My plan was working. I was pretty confident Cheryl would get dressed up like a French Maid for me. I took a big breath as I sat down. I was wondering what color she might choose. I was hoping she try everything on and that it fit. I was not sure of her exact size but I do like to find out the hard way. I could feel my cock twitch under my red silk boxers as I sat quietly waiting. I could hear some water running upstairs.

It was close to an hour later that I heard a door shut upstairs. Then I heard the sound of heels clicking across my wooden floors. I waited a few seconds as the clicking noise got closer to the living room. I took a big gulp and my eyes got really big. Cheryl had put on the red outfit. She looked very stunning with her big red platform heels. White hose and matching garters around her thick thighs. She had the red French Maid outfit on with the back untied. I could see the big red bra was to small causing her breast to stick out the front of the outfit. Her huge breast were leaking out the sides and hanging over the edge of the thin red material. Her breast were about ready to come out the top. I just smiled when she moved her arms from in front of her waist. She had put on the belly chain and my gold initials were on her belly button. The white lace front of the maids outfit was open and the back covered har amazing ass. She had put her blonde hair in a sexy pony tail. With some white ribbon in her hair. She also put on some sexy make up. She painted her finger, toe nails the same color to match her sexy red lips. My hands shook as I kept looking at her.

"WOW! Cheryl you look amazing. You are quite the sexy French Maid. Does everything fit? I was trying to go by memory." I said. "Oh yes! You did a great job. You even remember my favorite perfume that I wore just one time. My husband made me throw away because guys hit on me at your party. He blamed my outfit and the perfume. You have a great memory. Can you help me with tying the back?" she said. I got off the couch. I walked behind Cheryl and tied the back. I put the big bow on her lower back just above her ass. I wanted to just fuck her right then and there but I had to wait. I did not want to scare her off.

"Follow me. We can start in the kitchen." I said. She followed me as I looked over my shoulder. She strutted in her new heels and her big breast shook as we walked down the hall to the kitchen. "Here put on some gloves. Now just put the dishes in my dish washer. I only have one pan for you to do. Just pull the dishwasher open." I said. Cheryl smiled as she bent over opening the dishwasher. I smiled wen I saw the maids outfit ride up her ass. I guess the large pair of red panties I left on the bed did not fit. She had found a red thong to put on instead. It was cut high on her hips. The front covered her pussy and the back rode up between her two amazing ass cheeks. I almost fell out of my chair next to the kitchen table. I had to breath hard as she kept bending down to put the dishes on the bottom rack. She then put the glasses on the top rack. I could not stop staring at her rack.

She washed the pizza pan in the sink with lots of soap and water. I smiled as she let some of the water fall on the floor. "Oh! Buck do you have a mop? I better clean this up. I don't want anybody to slip in here." she giggled. I got up and reached in my broom closet. I handed her the Swifter mop. I took off the top. Now she just had to move the mop on the floor. She pushed the mop out then back into her body. My cock was straining my boxers under my robe. I watched as she picked up some crumbs off the floor with her long nails. She kept shaking her ass and moving around the kitchen. She opened my fridge. "Oh! It looks clean in here." she said. She put the mop next to the island in the middle of the kitchen. She then squatted down a few times to let her ass hit the floor and then she stood back up. She had to use her hands to pull on the big wooden island to get herself back up. "Can I make you a sandwich sweetie?" she said. "Oh no! But thank you. I just had some water and fruit before you came over. Would you like somthing? Your doing a great job. Lets go outside by the pool." I said. "Thank you for asking but I am good." she said.

I opened the big glass sliding door to the back yard. I held her hand as she stepped down to the pool deck. Her heels slicked on the concrete as I walked behind her. Her big ass shook as she walked over near the pool. The sun hit her blonde hair and face just perfect. I smiled when she turned to the side showing off her hour glass figure to me. I sat in a lounge chair next to a table. I was siting under a big umbrella. "What would you like me to do next?" she said. I wanted to say take off you clothes and come fuck me but I just smiled. "See the pole in the shallow end. Can you skim the leaves off the top. I don't want them to fall in when I open the pool in a few weeks." I said. She shook her head "Yes!" I fixed my cock in my boxers because it just said, "Yes!"

I watched as she skimmed the pool of the leaves and debris on the pool cover. She then put the pole on the brackets around the 8ft wooden fence surrounding my back yard. I have a few neighbors. Most would not think anything about a hot sexy big gurl in my back yard. Especially one with a small outfit on and me sitting watching her. I crossed my legs trying to hide my hard on. "Can you make sure the cover on my hot tub is on tight. Just push on it and pull. Thank you." I said. She walked over and pushed on the hot tub cover. She then walked up the three steps to go around the hot tub. She put her big breast and waist on the cover pushing again. My eyes were going to fall out watching her. I took a deep breath again. "Its all good. Nice and tight." she said. "Excellent job. Let's go back inside." I said.

I held the sliding glass door open. I held her hand as she stepped inside. She looked around as I closed the door. We walked to the living room. "Do you need anything in here done? Do you need me to vacuum or dust?" she said. "Maybe later. It's pretty good in here. Lets go upstairs to my room. I will show you what needs to be done." I said. She smiled as we walked down the hall toward the staircase. I had a hard time not starring at her large breast and sexy ass as she moved next to me. We got to the bottom of stairs. "You go first. Use the hand rail." I said. I waited until she got two steps in front of me. I could see up her red French Maid outfit. I could see her thick ass under her uniform. My eyes got big when I saw her pussy lips had made the bottom of the red material a dark shade of red. I think Cheryl was enjoying being my Maid as much as I was.

We walked to the top of stairs. She shook her ass turning me on the whole time. I think she knew I was starring and she liked to tease me. I pointed to the end of the hall. She liked my painting on the wall as I opened the door to the master bedroom. "Here we are. If you could. Please pick up my dirty clothes and put them in the basket on my bed. Then maybe fold some of my clean clothes in the other basket." I said. She smiled as she picked up my dirty clothes around the room. She picked up a pair of my small boxer briefs. She through them on top of the pile. She then walked over to my closet. "Wow! You sure have a big walk in closet. You have allot of nice clothes for such a young man. Your other closet in the spare bedroom is even bigger. You have such good taste when it comes to clothes." Cheryl said. I watched her hang some of my clothes. She then took my sock and under wear to my dresser. She folded them and put in my top draw.

"OK follow me into the master bath area." I said. I heard her big heels click on the bathroom tile. "You have two toilets. A glass shower and a huge bath tub. This bathroom is too nice. I spend all day in here. You even have a leather chair in here. I just love the view out into your back yard. I just love the glass and open feeling in here. Does that lead out to a balcony?" she said. I smiled and opened the door. We walked out to look out over my back yard and small forest behind my house. "This is a great view." she said. I was looking at her from behind. It was a very nice view indeed. "Thank you. Let's go down stairs so we can start my laundry. While your doing that I will go in my office to check some emails." I said. "Ok!" she said with a smile.

I carried the laundry basket to the basement. I made her walk down the stairs in front of me so I could see her big breast jiggle over her shoulder. I opened the door to the basement. We walked downstairs. "I love your bar and game room down here. Like a little bachelor pad. I can see where your money goes. That a big flat screen in front of the those leather couches." she said. I smiled as we walked passed everything to the laundry room. I started the washer and she put some detergent and fabric softener. I had her clean the top of the bar. "You can dust around. Maybe dust the flat screen and around the basement. I will he right over there in my office. Just open the glass and come in when your done. You are doing a great job. Do you still like your uniform?" I said. She smiled and got out the big feather duster under the bar.

I walked to my office. Its surrounded in glass. It looks great and its very quite inside. I turn off the lights when friends come and push a dimmer switch so nobody can see inside. I have a nice big glass desk top for my computer. I put my lap top on there. I reached into the bottom of the desk to turn on the light over head. Now I could see Cheryl walking around the basement. She looked over but could not see me from behind the glass. My cock was throbbing in my silk boxers. I wanted so much to play with myself but I was hoping I might get some action from my new Maid. I was just not sure how to get her just yet. I turned on my computer. I was checking my emails. I looked down at the key pad when I heard the glass door to my office open.

I watched as Cheryl strutted around dusting my glass book shelves and books. She then walked around the front on my desk. She dropped her feather duster in front of my desk. It was inches away. I adjusted my feet to see over the desk. I could see right through the glass desk to see her look back at me. She saw me looking as she moved around on her tiny feet. She then peeled herself back up to came around behind me. I looked at my screen. I heard her move some papers and dust around the back of my office. I could hear her heels click on the tiles in the room. A second later she walked over and was right next to me.

"What are you reading Buck? Anything good." she said. "Just answering some emails." I said. "Oh I see you have a few in your inbox. There allot of comments on your MySpace box. Wow you look like you have a few friends there." she said. "Yes! I guess I do. A few girls write to say Hi or leave comments. Its very nice." I said. "I can see that. My husband does not let me use his computer. He also does not allow me to have a email account. I used to go the library to use the computer but he found out from a friend of his." she said. "That is to bad. I am sure you could meet allot of new friends on here. Like I have." I said. "Oh I bet you have met a few close friends on there." she laughed. I looked down to see the top of her feet in those red heels next to my desk. Her perfume smelled great. I could tell she put some down near her waist. I looked at my belly chain and my cock moved.

"What are those paper clips on the emails? I never seen that before." she said. "Oh! Ummmm that means there a picture or movie attached to the email." I said. "Oh I see you have a few of those. Can I see?" she said. I just smiled. I picked one from a hot girl who sent me her sexy feet in different heels. I click on the email. Her sexy feet came up on the screen. "I really like the heels she is wearing. They are very cute." I said. "Those are cute. Pretty tame stuff for such a hot bachelor. Do you have any really good stuff. I now young guys keep a little stash on there computer." she giggled. "Oh!! Ummm maybe. I don't want to make you blush more than you are already. I would not be a very good gentleman, if I let everyone who asked take a peek. Plus some is very hard core." I said.

"What if I was down here and was dusting. You were not here. I accidentally hit a button. Then it would not be like you just showed me." she sighed. I watched as Cheryl scanned down some of my emails. She then looked at a small folder in my Yahoo email. (buckkelly123@yahoo.com) "Sexy Pics" She leaned over letting her big breast gently touch my shoulder. She moved my mouse over and clicked on the folder. She then used the duster to dust my screen. She clicked on the last pics I got. "Oooppsss Clumsy me." she giggled. I looked up to see some photos of a friend who was naked in front of her bath room mirror. She had her hands on her big breast. She was playing with her nipples. The next pic was her bending over showing me her ass. I froze for a second while Cheryl looked at them. "Wow she is very cute. I just lover her big nipples." she said with a smile.

Cheryl than dropped her hand back on the mouse. She clicked on another set of pics. This one was from a different hot girl on her bed. She had her legs spread open putting her fingers inside. She had a big pink vibrator inside her pussy. I smiled when I saw Cheryl eyes get big. I looked out the corner of my eyes to see her hips moving closer to my arm. I was now inches away from her soft skin. "Oh she is cute too. I see you like big gurls. Your wise for your age. That is sexy." she said. She moved her hand in front of my chest to click the mouse again. She clicked on Whore Training 101. There was a small movie. I had sent to these two older woman and there husbands. They had paid me to make whores out of there wives. I had gotten some more emails from other husbands asking me turn there wives next. "Wait! Oh I see it playing..." I said.

Cheryl moved her hand off the mouse. Her hips and half her ass was resting on my upper arm and left shoulder. I looked up to see the two women pleasuring them selves as I encouraged them on the couch. I was almost naked. I had a pillow covering my private area. I had the camera mounted on a tri-pod. "I see those two woman are liking what your asking them to do. Are they friends?" Cheryl said. "There best friends. They were following my instructions. There husbands had asked me to help them." I said. "There husbands asked for you to help them. Help them with what?" she said. "There husbands asked me to help turn them into wanting them more. Making them experience something new. I think it work. They paid me quite well." I said.

Cheryl legs moved wider open. She bent down to see the older women in a very hot 69 position. "They have big tits just like mine and they have some really big butts. Do young guys like this? Do you Buck?" she said. "Oh! I really like it. I just love women who are confident in there bodies. They both were very shy. Now they enjoy life more." I said. Cheryl was breathing heavier as she looked at the two girls on the screen. I leaned back in my computer chair on wheels. Her ass was looking straight at me. The back of the red/white French Maid outfit had risen up as she bent over more to see. I gently dropped my left hand down to her ankle. I moved it very lightly over her soft skin. I gently played with the back of her knee. I could feel little goose bumps on her legs. She did not protest my hand on her curvy legs.

I could feel the white hose on her legs. I gently felt the 6 garter straps on her thick thigh. I moved my left hand to her other leg. I felt Cheryl drop her hair on her back as she leaned her neck back. Her eyes were closed as I finally made it it to her perfect ass. She moved her legs to catch her balance. She then sighed as I put my large hand on her big ass. She moved her butt to let my hand move on her ass. She looked down to see me playing with her ass. She did not say anything. Her unappreciated body was wanting me more and more. I moved my hand under her red thong. I pushed the thin material to the side. Her head was inches from the screen. Her big soft body was lying on the glass of my desk. I could see her large breast push on the sides of her huge bra. Her nipples were hard under the soft material. They bent over on the side.

I slowly eased my left index finger in between her thighs. She still did not protest. I pulled it back out to put in my mouth. I got it nice and wet and moved her wet thong over her pussy lips. I could feel her large cunt lips move around my finger as I found her most sensetive area. I felt her pussy muscles take in my finger. I had my finger inside her over my knuckle. I moved it around so I was pulling it straight out and using the tip of my finger on her hot labia. I did this few times making her knees shake. I eased my chair back. I moved around so she was right in front of me. I looked up to see she had clicked the stop button on the movie. She reached up to click off my computer. She then moved my computer to the far right of my glass desk.

She moved back as I kissed her big ass with my finger buried inside her . She was very wet. I easily got another finger inside her as she screamed. "Yes! Yes!! Oh god...I never felt like this before. My husband has not had sex with me in two years. I want you!!!!" she screamed. Two years what the fuck. This might be too easy to steal her away from her loser husband. I then put my mouth on her pussy lips. I licked her long, hard. Up and down. Side to side. I put both of my big hands and pushed on her ass spreading her open. I was licking her very fast and hard. Her knees buckled. "I'm cumming you bastard!!!! Fuck me!! Fuck my pussy is flooding your mouth.....YES!!!!!!!! Fuck YES!!!!!!!!!!!!" she orgasm. I cleaned her off as I pulled her thong down over her ass and long legs.

I quickly took off my robe. I pushed down my boxers to the floor. I was now naked. She looked back to see my erect cock. "Oh my! That is big young man. Buck!! Damn that is big baby...Go slow...its been such a long time." she said. She reached up to hold on the edge of the glass on top of my desk. I moved her legs together. She arched her back as I pushed on her lower back. I spit on my cock making it wet. I put my cock just on top of her butt. She wiggled her ass as I then put in between her legs. I could feel her patch of blonde hair just above her pussy. It was like a landing strip telling me were her hot pussy was. I grabbed her hips next.

I looked down to guide my cock in her pussy. Her lips parted as I squeezed my 9 3/4 inch cock into her tight pussy. Her pussy spit me out a few times before I got half inside her. She finally relaxed as I spit on my cock from above her. She needed more lube to take more of my cock. After 5 minutes she got all of my inside her. "Yes! Fuck me! Faster! Faster! Faster!!! Oh I love your big cock. Fuck me faster Buck. Fuck me like its my first time. Fuck me like I was a virgin 10 years ago." I picked up the pace. I was fucking her very hard as I slapped her big butt in my hands. Her big ass was was white, then pink, now a nice shade of red. She was loving this as I pulled her blonde pony tail. I then used both hands on her shoulders pulling her tight on my cock. I was feeling weak. It had been close to 30 minutes of some hard fucking. I pulled out and ran around my desk. I looked to see her face was close to the edge. She put my cock in her mouth. I felt the first 4 big spurts, I lost count. She let a few drops out of her mouth on my desk.

I stood there while she licked the top of my desk clean from my load. She smiled as she walked around and squatted down in front of me. She was sucking my cock back to life as I watched her long tongue and sexy mouth on my cock. She was feeling my big naked balls in her mouth. I showed her how to jack my cock and lick my balls. She then t-bagged me with my balls on her chin. I pulled out as I reached down to stand her up. I walked her out of my office to the big black bean bag near my pool table.

She smiled as I sat down on the bean bag. She then climbed on straddling my legs. I felt her heels on my knees as she put her hands on the side of my face. She gave me a big kiss. Then I opened her French Maid outfit. I pulled open her bra clamp releasing her big monsters on my face. She reached back to jack my cock. She then stuck it in her tight pussy. "Twice in one day. Now this is not happen before. Not even on my honeymoon. God your touching me places nobody has touched me before. (That we she said!!!) I started to suck her big breast making her nipples pop in my mouth. Her left nipple was the size of the tip of my thumb. The right was just a little smaller but just as yummy. I picked her big tits up and licked underneath them. Girls with big breast love this and she was no different.

I started to push her hips down making her take more of my cock. She finally let go of me. She put her hands on my chest. Her ass on my thighs. She started to slam her wet pussy on my cock. Faster and faster she fucked me. She orgasm with my cock in her and did not miss a beat. She kept fucking me as I watched her big ass go up and down. I put my big hands on her ass making her smile. "This is for you baby. You making me so wet. I wanted you the first time we met two years ago. I went into your bathroom downstairs and played with myself thinking of you at your first party you invited us. I wanted you so bad that night and ever since." she screamed. Her pussy muscles were milking my cock as I bite her big nipples. I then fondled them as she had another orgasm. "Cum inside me. Fill me up, like you filled my mouth. I know you have another big load for me.....YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" she screamed. I groaned as I empty my cock deep inside her.

I grabbed Cheryl hand and walked her upstairs. We took a long hot shower together. Then I gave her a nice foot massage in the bath tub. I ordered some Chinese food and she went to the door in my bathrobe. She gave the young delivery guy a flash before she shut the door. I laughed as we ate in my bed and watched TV. I spent the rest of the night fucking her in many different positions. She woke me up an hour after we fell asleep with her two big breast around my face.

It was close to 10am when I felt the bed move. Cheryl walked down the hall to take a shower in the spare bedroom. Thirty minutes later she came into wake me up. I saw she had put on the black French Maid outfit on. She turned around showing off her amazing body. I went to take a shower. She was cooking breakfast when I came down in a new bath robe. It was purple with a Ravens logo above my right pocket. I sat down while she feed me in my chair. I spent the next thirty minutes eating breakfast.

She cleaned up and came back to the table. I picked her up and spread her legs wide open. I brought her to another orgasm with my fingers and mouth. I walked her to the living room next. I had some pillows on the floor next to the couch. I took off my bathrobe. She smiled when she saw I was hard and naked. She put her head on the pillow. Her body straight up with her back on the front of the couch. I held her ankles. She pulled her thong to the side. I reached down to rip it off. She was soaking wet. Her big breast fell over and out of her bra hitting under her chin. "Fuck! That what they feel like when I hit you with them. Damn my boobs are big and heavy. I think I am starting to love them. I think you love them more." she said. I looked down at her wasit. I saw the belly chain and "BK" looking back at me.

Her big left nipple was in her mouth and her other breast was on the side of her face. Her head was getting red as I inserted my cock in her pussy. I held her heels next to my ears. I was fucking her pussy as her body shook. She was sucking her boobs as I fucked her harder. I was picking up the pace. I wanted to pull out and shoot all over her breast and face. She smiled when she saw how excited I was. I loved the way my ass touched hers as I fucked her pussy. I kept fucking her harder and harder. I was leaning down matching her pussy coming back up. I held onto her thighs as her heels hit the side of my head. Her body shook. She was close...I was closer.

"Oh!!! Damn!! Your pussy is so nice." I said. "WHAT THE FUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! BOSSS!!!!!! Cheryl!!!!!!!! HONEY!!!!!!!!!!! What are you two doing!!!!!!!!!???" said a male voice. I looked up. Cheryl looked back over the pillow. My cock was still in her pussy. Guess who showed up. I guess Cheryl forgot to lock the front door after the deliver guy left last night. I looked down to see Cheryl smile.

"Shut up BOB!!!! Bob you stop right there. Buck!! Don't stop baby. Keep fucking me. Pull out and shoot that big load on my big breast. He loves me big breast Bob. He loves my big body Keep fucking me. Faster! Faster! Yes!!! I am cumming...this big beautiful young cock is making me orgasm again and again. Just watch!!" Cheryl yelled. I kept fucking her. Ten minutes later I pulled out and shot a huge load on her breast. Long white streams hit her face and under her breast. I then looked up to see Bob. He had his small cock out and came in his hand.

"Great Bob! Look what your going to make me clean next. I am not done helping your boss clean his house. Come pick me up on Friday. I have a doctors appointment. Be here at 10am sharp. Then you will need to bring me back. Buck is having a party. I need to be here to clean up after the party. I also took your computer out of Buck's garage this morning. He was in the shower. I was not shocked to find what I found. I am sure her parents are. I sent the pics of you and the neigbors daughter to them. I need some time away from you. You need to give Buck some money for me cleaing his house. Money does not grow on trees. Also keep this in mind. I might be your wife. But I am his Maid." she said. Oh what a good maid she is. My cock is hard thinking about her as I write this in my office.

"Buzz!! Mr. Kelly there a woman here to see you. She says she is your Maid." said my Secretary. "Yes! Send her in. My office needs to be cleaned. Also ask Bob in sales to come here. I have something in my bathroom for him." I said. I had put in small hole so he could watch his wife be my new Maid in my office.
