I had just got a new SUV about a month ago. I had not driven it more than 200 miles before it need to be cleaned. I was driving along Curtis Ave when I spotted a sign on my right for a car wash. A local high school cheer leading team was washing cars for $10.00. I checked my watch. I had some time before I needed to get back to the office. I put on my turn signal and pulled in.
I smiled as about 4 cheerleaders started to wash my SUV. I rolled down the window and gave them $20.00. About ten minutes later they all smiled as the SUV was finished. I got out to take some pics with them. I'm sure they posted it on FB or Myspace by now. I climbed back in and one girl gave me a flier to there next performance at the high school. I pulled away and headed back to work.
I got out and went into work. It was not for another hour before I walked out, to go get some lunch. I was just about ready to get in my new SUV. When I spotted something on my big chrome wheels. I went to take a better look. It look like some of the chrome had faded. Maybe they had used some dish soap to wash my SUV and not car soap. I froze for a second. I was thinking what the fuck. A twenty dollar car wash going to turn into a night mare for my new SUV. I ran back inside to get some water. I tried to wash the wheels. No such luck. I open the driver side door to look at the flier the girl gave me. I saw a number at the bottom. It was for the cheer leading coach of the team.
I reached into my pocket to get my phone. "Hello this is Candy White. How may I help you." said the cheer leading coach. I was so mad, I was about ready to explode. But she sounded so sweet on the phone. "Hi! My name Buck Kelly. I stopped to get a car wash from your girls this afternoon. I just took a look at my brand new SUV when I got to work. I found some marks on my new chrome wheels. I was hoping you could help." I said. "Oh! Well that sounds bad. I am so sorry. Are you sure my cheerleaders damaged your SUV?" she said. "I think so. The marks were not on there before I pulled into to get a car wash. They look like water spots but they will not come off. I tried buffing them just now." I said.
"Oh! I hate for my girls to do a bad job. Were do you work? Is it far from the high school?" she said. "A few minutes away." I said. "Ummm...I'm at the car wash now. I just got here, with my daughter. You could go come back and I'll take a look at it for you." she said. "I have a conference call in about 20 minutes. It should last about two hours. Then I could come back to the car wash." I said. "Oh! The car wash is only on for another hour. Then we go to practice at the school. If you like, I could meet you tomorrow in the morning." she said.
"Tomorrow no good, I'm at work all day. How about after practice later. I could drive to the school." I said. "After practice is not good. I need to go home to let my dogs out." she said. "Wow! Maybe I should just take it the dealer. Get some new wheels and send you the bill. There 26's. About $2,000 a wheel." I said. "How much??? Wow! That is allot of money. We have to wash allot of cars and sell lots of baked goods every day after school to raise that much money. Were trying to go to nationals this year. I have a better idea. Can you bring your SUV to my house. Just pull it down the driveway to my house. I got a sponge and bucket. I can get out the spots Mr. Kelly. Please!" she said. After a long pause. "Your address? Thanks! See you later Candy." I said.
I got done with work and jumped in my SUV. I was still mad all through the conference call and now on the way to Candy house. I looked at my watch. She should be home by now. It was a little after 4pm when I pulled in her long driveway. I drove down to the garage. I saw a big bucket and sponge in the driveway. I saw the water hose in the lawn next to the garage. I honked the horn as I got out. I only had some faded blue jeans, a white button down shirt and some brown sandals on. I left my socks and under wear on the bed this morning. I tossed my shades in the front seat and waited on Candy to come out her house.
It was about 5 minutes later that I saw her front door open. Her house was set back from the road. There were many trees and bushes to keep her house hidden. I looked around waiting for her to come out. A minute later I saw some white tennis shoes come out the front door. Next a big pair of breast, squeezed tight under a white shirt came out in front of Candy. She was wearing a blue, with white stripes down the side, jogging suit. It was tight around the calves, her thick legs and thighs. My mouth dropped opened when she turned to close the door and I saw her big ass coming out the top of her tight sweat bottoms. The perfect muffin top, if you ask me. I could tell she was not wearing any underwear or a big bra to keep up her huge cleavage.
I swallowed hard as she walked toward me. She had a big smile to match her big dark black hair. It was very curly and sat high on her head. She had to big silver hoop earrings that touched her shoulders. She was wearing about 4 different color wrist bands. They were small and all were about cheer leading related. How could she even teach cheer leading. She was so top heavy she might fall over. Maybe her daughter was in cheer leading at the school. This was going to be hard. I have a thing for voluptuous woman with curves. She was my fantasy brought to life as she got closer.
"Hi! Mr. Kelly. See you found the place. Any problems? Getting here." she said in a soft voice. "No! No problem. All good. How are you? How was practice?" I said. "Everything went good. The girls still need more practice. We have about a month before nationals to get ready." she said. I was going to ask if she was married or if her husband was home. But I saw a huge rock on her finger. A big pink diamond to match her long pink nails. She had a dark tan. She smelled incredible as she kept talking to me. I almost forgot why I was there. I was reading the high school name stretched across her chest. It was almost unreadable.
"Well! Let me see these wheels. I don't want to keep you waiting any more than you have to. Do you have any plans after this?" she said. What did she just say? I was still staring at her big breast. She could have told me the sky was falling. I was still lusting after her as she walked toward my SUV. She put her small hand on the hood. "I just got these shoes today. There suppose to tone your butt, hips and thighs. My husband always on me to lose weight. That why I like to teach cheer leading. I get so motivated after practice. Plus I was cheerleader in school and college." she said.
She was smiling as she walked toward the driver side front tire. She bent over to look inside the wheel well. "Mr. Kelly. I don't see anything. Can you show me. Did you play sports in high school. Did you date any cheerleaders?" she said. "I did play sports. Football, basketball, soccer, and baseball. I did not date any cheerleaders. I wish I had. But I did not find any at my school to be very nice." I said. She smiled as I bent over to look inside the wheel.
"Right there and right there. These two spots also." I said. I pointed to the spots. "They are on all the wheels. What did those girls use to clean with?" she said. "Probably dish soap. They need to watch my SUV with car soap." I said. "Oh! Your are so correct. I wish I had someone watching them better than my husband. His mind seems to wonder with what ever the girls are doing. He had to go to work after practice. I told him you were coming over. He said I should do what ever I can to make you happy. I better fix the problem or else." she said.
The only thing going through my mind as I sat back on my feet was to whip my cock out and have her start sucking. God she was turning me on. Now I know why the football team is so bad. They must watch Candy White, instead of playing the game. I looked around again. "Maybe you should walk around the SUV and take a look Mrs. White." I said with a big smile. She turned to bounce around the SUV. My head followed her big breast under her sweat suit.
She looked at all the wheels before she walked back. I was still admiring her big breast as she looked around in yard. "I got a sponge." she said. She pulled out this very small pink sponge from her pocket. Her boobs shook when she raised her arm to show me the small sponge. Where my garden hose???" she giggled. I just smiled as she walked over to her yard. She slowly bent over to pick up the hose. I could not see any light between her legs. The were so round and thick. I just starred as she tried to turn on the hose. "Oops! Can you help me with the water Mr. Kelly? The tap is just over there." she said. She pointed at the end of her house near her garage. I walked over to turn on the water.
I watched for a few minutes adjusting my cock in my tight jeans. She was watering down the front driver side tire. She then turned the water into the bucket. The soap got very bubbly as she strutted around the my SUV. She gave me a big smile as she bent at the knees. Her big full ass was inches off the wet pavement. She put her hand on the side panel to keep her balance. She then dipped her small pink sponge in the soap. She then washed the chrome wheel. She then rinsed and did it again.
She turned toward me. "Come and take a look. I thing I got it." she said. I walked over toward my SUV. I was right behind her. I was looking down her back at her big ass. The thin material from her sweat pants was about ready to exploded. I could see her sides hanging over her sweat pants more. I could see a big tramp stamp on her lower back just about her ass crack. I dark green tribal flame with a flower in the middle. It was out of place on her. It made it more sexy. I bite my lower lip as I leaned over the top of her shoulders. Her large cleavage had expanded in her sweat top. Her big fat breast pushed on the white t-shirt. I could only smile. I looked down to see my cock inches from her dark hair.
"Hmmmm...I don't know. It still looks like there spots on the wheels. You better scrub a little more." I said. She sighed. Then started to scrub again. I just stood there as she scrubbed my big wheels again. She put her left hand on the pavement and scrubbed with her right hand. After a few minutes. "Can you rinse the wheels, Mr. Kelly?" she said. I grabbed the hose and rinsed the wheels again. I looked down to see the wheel still had spots on it. "Still got spots." I said. She let out another big sigh. "I don't know what to do. Let me go inside and see if my husband has anything more powerful to clean with." she said.
I helped her off the wet pavement. She walked passed me. She closed her front door behind her. I stood there next to my SUV. After a few minutes, she came back out. I watched as she put a small dab of cleaner on one spot. She bent down again almost touching her big ass on the ground. She looked up. "Let me try rinsing it now." she said. I moved my feet back. I felt the hose next to my right foot. I decided to stand on the hose. I could hear the water backing up. She turned the nozzle to let the water out. Nothing came out. She looked at the tip of the hose. "Hmmm...No water. Did you turn off the water?" she asked. "No!" I said. She pulled on the hose a few times. I just moved my feet.
Finally she pointed the water hose at her big breast. I moved my feet. "Oh! God!!! The water!!! My shirt!!!! Mr. Kelly!!!! I'm all wet" she yelled. Most people would have shut off the water or aimed the water away from themselves. Not Mrs. White. She sprayed her big chest. Her face and hair. I grabbed the hose from her hand. I turned it off. She fell off her wet feet onto the wet pavement. With a big bounce her whole body shook. She looked up at me. I smiled. I aimed the hose at the front wheel. I rinsed off my wheel again. Still no luck. The spots where still there.
I looked down to see her looking at her right hand. "Are you hurt? Are you Ok?" I said. She smiled. "Just making sure I did not break a nail." she said. "The spots are still there." I said. She made a pouty face. "I don't know what to do. What will satisfy you Mr. Kelly?" she said. "I guess you can buy my some new wheels." I said. "Ummm...I don't have that kind of money. The school won't pay. I already asked. The cheer leaders budget would be all gone if I had to pay. We could not got to nationals this year. The girls would be very upset. Is there something else?" she said. I looked around. "Well maybe. I could take it back to the dealer. Maybe he could get it clean. But that would cost some money. Maybe we could work out a trade or something?" I said. She looked around.
"A trade or something? Mr. Kelly!!!!" she said very loud. I smiled. She shook her head. "What kind of trade?" she said very stern. "Well there are four big chrome wheels that are ruined. That a lot of money. Maybe you could work it off." I said. She looked around me toward the back of the SUV. "What kind of work?" she said. I smiled very big and winked. "I'm no that type of girl. I'm married. I'm the cheer leading coach for god sakes. No!! No!!!!" she said. I smiled again. "No! Did you say no? I mean, I'm out a lot of money on my wheels. Your girls washed my SUV and now its ruined. I need some kinda of payment plan. Every time I suggest something. You say no. Maybe I should call my attorney. I'll just sue you for the money. How about that?" I said.
Her mouth dropped. "No lawyers! I don't want any trouble. Your right. What do you want me to do?" she said. "First. You already wet. Let me spray your body with the hose. Let me see you all nice and wet. Little humiliation might help me." I said. "Ok! That seems fair. Will this pay off my debt?" she said in a low voice. "Will see....You just do what I say and maybe you will get out of this." I said.
She looked into my eyes. I turned the hose back on. The cold water hit the front of her white t-shirt again. She started to bite her lower lip. "Pull your zipper down on the top. That is perfect. Now pull your white shirt tighter. God that is really hot Mrs. White. I think you like this. Your nipples seem very excited." I said in a low voice. "No! I am not enjoying this. Don't look at my breast. There for my husband only. His eyes. Not some young man. Please can we stop?" she said. I said nothing. She was so hot. Her big fat purple nipples were poking through the thing white cotton t-shirt. I next aimed the water just on the tips of her big nubs. Almost making them bend under the water pressure. She moaned for the first time.
"Toss your sweat suit top to me. That a good Wife. Now stand up. That nice, push off the ground. Gain your balance. Now turn around. Walk over in front of the SUV. That it. Now put your hands on the hood. Move your legs apart. About shoulder length. No! Don't lean your wet body on my SUV just yet. Arch your back. You follow direction very good Mrs. White." I said. I started to spray her shoes. Then work my way up her thick legs to her big ass. I made both her big ass cheeks shake from the water pressure.
She was looking over her shoulder as I was about 3feet behind her. I turned off the water. "No shake that ass. Shake some of that water off. That is really good. Use your big hips and that ass. I think you like this. Wow! If I had some ones in my pocket I might drop a few on that ass. Mrs. White! Work it...." I said. She was shaking that ass like a pro. The white t-shirt clung to her soaked body.
"Ok! Now untie your sweat bottoms. Do it! Don't shake you head. Do it. Untie your bottoms. I won't pull them down Mrs. White." I said. She reached under her sides. She pushed against her flesh overhanging the sides. I nodded my head yes. She then pulled open the tiny white waist string holding up her tight sweat pants. I smiled as she put her hands back on the hood. "Now lean against the hood. Push your body tight against it. Now pull back slowly." I said. The white t-shirt clung to the hood. She pulled back making her shirt spring back hitting her chest. Water smashed off onto the hood. "Your getting my ride all wet. Now arch that ass back. Put your hands above your head on the hood. Palms out. Oh! That is really nice." I said.
I started to spray her big ass with the hose. Just like before her ass jiggled from the water pressure. Slowly the sides of her wet sweat bottoms began to fall. She was lost for a minute. As her bottoms fell down. I guided them with the water over her ass to around her ankles. She finally figured out her naked ass flesh was starring at me. I was right. She was not wearing underwear. "Stop! Young man. Your making me fully exposed." she moaned. She was shaking her ass. "Oh god. Mrs. White your not wearing any panties. Do you always invite strange young men to your house and not wear anything underneath. That not very lady like. You call yourself a coach. I'm shocked." I said. "No! You can't see me like this. This is for only my husband." she screamed.
I turned the water pressure down. Her ass was soaking wet. She was completely shaved. Not a hair on her hot pussy. She had two big cunt lips that had dropped out her pussy and were fully exposed. "Take off your shoes. Let me see your feet. That is just kick them off. I see your nails match your finger nails. Pull off your wet bottoms. You won't be needing them. Now put your wet shoes back on. Back against the hood. Just like before. I turned off the hose to admire her big bodacious body.
"Is my debt paid Mr. Kelly. You've seen enough." she said. "I'll let you know when its paid. Now using your hands. Pull your wet shirt above your wide hips. Off that tattoo on your lower back. What is that? Pull your shirt over your face. Suck on the wet shirt with your mouth. I can't hear you. Suck harder. Get that water Mrs. White. I better inspect that tattoo." I said. "Slurp! Slurp!" She was sucking the water out of the wet t-shirt over her face. I could not hear her as she talked with the shirt over her head.
I unzipped my jeans. Took off my shirt. I kicked off my sandals. I walked out of my jeans. I was now naked standing inches behind her. She was sucking hard on the wet shirt. "We both having something in common Mrs. White." I said. She mumbled something. "We both don't wear underwear." I whispered in her left ear. She stopped for a second. Her ass wiggled near my erect cock. I turned the water to the hose back on. I sprayed my cock with water. I took off the brass water nozzle. I tossed it onto my shirt next to the SUV. I placed the wet hose on her back. The cold water cascaded down her front. Over her big breast onto the hood of my SUV.
I got directly behind her big ass. I slapped her big left butt cheek. She screamed. I slapped her other big ass cheek. Her big tattoo bounced on her lower back. She moaned. I then took my 9 3/4 inch cock and placed it under her big ass. Just at the entrance of her pussy. She moaned. I could feel the heat from her pussy. She was sucking the water from her shirt like I directed. Next I ease my cock head inside her hot pussy. She paused then moaned. I pushed more in. She eased my cock out with her tight pussy muscles. I waited a minute why she got used to my size.
I then started to fuck her faster. I was picking up the hose off her shoulder. I aimed the cold water on her back. I could feel the water on my tight abs as it ran over my skin and down her big ass. She tried to move her hands and arms. But the were encased in the wet t- shirt. She was bouncing on my cock as I gripped her wide hips. I could hear my naked balls hit under her pussy. She had her first orgasm on my cock. I could smell her wetness as it mixed with the cold water from the hose. She was no limp on my hood. Gasping for air. I slammed my cock back in her harder.
She was so tight. I pulled out after ten minutes. I slapped her big ass a few times. I then got on my knees behind her. "Turn around. Pull your shirt over your head. Let me see you. God those breast." I said. I heard the wet shirt pull off her skin. She dropped it next to my left leg. She reached down to put her hand on my shirt hair cut. I reached down to pull off her wet shoes. I tossed them behind me. She was now just soaking wet, with nothing on. She smiled as I moved my face toward her bald pussy. I wanted to taste her. I dropped the hose on the floor. Making her bare feet more wet. I put her big thigh on my shoulder. She used her left leg to stand. Her big ass was on the hood. I dived right in pushing my wide tongue in her tight pussy. She tasted very nice. Very sweet. I ran her big cunt lips in my mouth. Nibbling on them with my teeth and lips. I got her close to two orgasm before I let her cum in my mouth. She gripped the side of my head with her small hands.
Next I fell back on the wet pavement. I told her to get on my cock. She moved her
bare feet next to my hips. She looked down and guided my cock in her wet pussy. She put her hands on my chest. I put my two big hands on the back of her ass. Gripping her big ass cheeks with my hands. I put my hands around her waist. I ran my nails side to side on her tribal tattoo. She moaned. "Put you whole body on me. Pick up your feet. Lean over. Put your amazing body on mine." I said. "No! I'm to heavy." she moaned. I eased her off the pavement. She looked down to see all her big bodacious body was on me. My mouth was on her big breast. I was sucking them, smashing them on my face. She was moaning very loud in her driveway. I bounced her on my cock for twenty minutes before I exploded deep in her pussy.
Next I had her wash my SUV as I laid on my back in her driveway watching her soap my ride. She watched my cock get hard again in a few minutes. Once she got done drying the SUV. I put her in the back seat. I rolled up the windows. Turned on the A/C. She took another big load before we got out.
I followed her to the front door of the house. She had her bucket of soap, water, and pink sponge. She had all the wet towels and her wet clothes in her other hand. She was standing inside dripping water on her wooden floor. She turned to see me still naked in her door way. "Ok! Mr. Kelly. I must be paid in full. It was a fair trade? Are you satisfied. Is there anything else I can do for you?" she said. I paused. "Call your husband. Better tell him to stay at a hotel tonight. You need to clean the inside of my SUV now. His Wife pussy juices our all over the back seat. Also you will be cleaning my SUV for the next few weeks. You can pick one of your cheerleaders to help. But she has to be just as big as you. If not bigger." I said.
"MOM!!!!!! Eeeeekkkkkk!!!!" said a girls voice. I turned to see a big girl behind me just inside the house. "Tammy!!! It's not what you think." said Mrs. White. "Mom! OMG are you having an affair?" she shouted. "No! Mr. Kelly ride was damaged at your cheer leading charity car wash this morning. He is over showing me the damage. We both got wet outside just now. I was taking our clothes to the dryer." she said. "Oh! I thought you might be fucking this guy. Dad never does anymore. He trying to get Paula to go out with him. Wow! That a nice cock Mom." she said as she pointed at my cock. "Paula Willow! That skinny ass tramp. Mr. Kelly. This is my daughter Tammy. She plays with her vibrator all night. Drives me crazy. She is a cheer leader. Not a good one but she built just like her Mom. Will she do???" Mrs. White said.
Before I could answer. Tammy was on her knees in front of me. Mrs. White was on her phone to her husband. I got the wheels fixed the next day at the dealer. I slipped the guy a hundred to get them done quickly. "Hey! Would you like us to wash your ride?" said the service guy. "No!! I got a free wash cumming......" I said.