My New Assistant - An Adult Story - Part 1 - "Shhhh!!! The room has thin walls."

I had my hard cock buried deep inside her tight pussy. I had my big hands on her wide hips. I looked down to see her hands gripping the small round table in front of us. Her large breast spilled out the sides of her body. She had just got her beautiful red hair cut. It was shoulder length now. Her eyes were trying to look back over her shoulder at me. I slowed down for a second as she hit connect on her phone. "Beep! Hello Honey! How are you. What's that noise in the back ground?" her husband said.

It all started innocently a week ago. I was in my office at work. I had to go out on some big sales call for the next 10 days. I was talking to my Secretary about needing a new assistant to help me on them. She smiled. "Boss! The last two girls you had quit. One girl got married and her new husband made her quit. The second girl you promoted to sales. Hmmmm..... What are you doing to these girls?" Paige said. I smiled. "Who me...." I said. One thing had lead to another with them. It went from business to having some wild sex with them. I tried to be good. But I have a weakness for women with curves. The more bodacious the better.

With no girl friend at the moment and being busy with work. I've found it hard to meet someone. I try not to date anyone at the office. Hard when your the owner to mix business with pleasure. Plus my secretary Paige, knows my weakness for voluptuous women. She keeps the office empty of temptation for me.

"Boss! I got a great idea. I know this girl. She's a friend of mine. She off from her other job for two weeks. I think she be great at being your assistant. Plus she married. Can I give her a call her for you?" she said. "Sounds great. You don't think she mind?" I said. "No! I'll give her a call." said Paige.

[Next part written by Princess]
[Next Paragraph and so on in the story]
[In these bars then written by Princess - Her point of view]

["Hey Princess! How are you?" said Paige. "Hey girl. I'm good, how are you?" I said. "I got a huge favor to ask you. My Boss at work. He needs an assistant for the next ten days. He going out of town on some big sales calls. I told him you might be interested." said Paige. "Mmmm. What does he need me to do?" I said. "You travel with him. Get him what ever he wants. Make sure he is at his sales calls on time. Nothing you can't handle. He is very nice." said Paige. "Is he that young guy your always taking about? He makes your toes curl." I said. "Yes! Buck is very nice. He is a sweet boss. Before I forget, it pays $250 dollars a day plus expenses. Plus he always spoils me." said Paige. It took a split second to say yes. Now I just had to get the hubby's approval.]

["Hey honey. How's work?" I said. "Good! Wait! I can tell you want something. What's up. Did the kids break something? How the car?" he said. "No! Everything good. I just got a call from my friend Paige. I told her I was looking for some extra work while I'm off from my job. Her boss needs an assistant for ten days." I said. "Ok! What the catch." he said. "I have to go out of town for ten days. I be back before the start of my other job. I would call every chance I get. Please...." I said. "What does it pay?" he said. "$250 a day. Plus he pay for everything else. Please. I already told Paige I would. I...." I said. "OK! OK! Just call me every night. You will be in separate rooms correct. "Yes! Separate rooms." I said. "Have fun. Find out the details. See you when I get home." he said.]

[I spent the rest of the afternoon running around. I picked up some grocery from the store. Had to make sure the husband did not starve while I was gone. I packed some clothes and shoes to wear on the trip. I plugged in my cell to get it charged. I got a big purse to put in all my hair, makeup and perfume. I called Paige back to find out were to meet tomorrow. Plus what I should wear. I guess her boss has a big van he likes to drive on these sales calls.]

"Boss your all set. Princess going to meet you in the parking lot at 5:30am tomorrow. I know you wanted to get a early jump on traffic. I got you two rooms at a hotel in Virginia Beach. I'll email you the directions. I told her to dress comfortably tomorrow since you will be driving all day." said Paige. I gave her the thumbs up sign.

I got home around 6pm. I swam a few laps in the pool. Order some pizza before I called it a night. I had my bags packed the day before. I had everything in the garage that needed to go. I brought my lap top. Some snacks and drinks in my cooler. I have this big black mini van. It's not a soccer Mom minivan. It's all tricked out. Black rims, black tinted out windows. The top is a moon roof that opens. It has two big captain chairs in the back of the minivan. There are two flip down monitors to watch DVD's or television. There a small round gaming table in between the chairs. There a big black leather seat the folds down for more room. Plus if your really tired you can take a nap on it. It's all Wifi connected. Satellite dish on top. I call it my black ops van. 007 style.

I took a long shower. I trimmed up the last few small hairs on my body. I splashed on some cologne and body spray. I combed my short hair. I slipped on some sandals. I put on some black Calvin Klein boxer briefs that were a size to small. I put on some tan cargo shorts. A simple white short sleeve shirt. I put everything in my van. I headed for work.

[4:00 am. Could that be right. I took another look at the alarm clock. I felt the bed move. My husband rolled over. He went back to snoring. I jumped in the shower. I shampoo my long red hair. I had meant to get it cut last week. Now I wished I had. I got out of the shower. It took me about twenty minutes to get my hair the way I like it. I put on some perfume. I put on some white lacy panties. I then put on a big white bra. Took a few seconds to get my boobs right in the thin material. I then slipped on some white Capri over my legs. They were cut just below my knee. I had to pull up and hold my breath to get them on. I smiled as I slipped on my red blouse. I unbutton the top two buttons. Showing some skin but nothing that would turn anyone head. I then put on my wedding ring, a white bracelet and some small gold hoop earrings. I put on some 2inch wooden heels.]

[I took a look in my bedroom. I could see all the covers pulled to his side. He did not have to get up for another hour. I left him a note on the fridge. Where I was staying the first 3 nights. My cell number again. Just in case. I got Paige's email off the computer. I printed out the directions to her office. I put all my bags in my car. I did my nails as I drove. It took me about thirty minutes to get there.]

I checked my watch. I had the van all gassed and ready to go. It was almost 5:30am. Traffic is terrible in Baltimore and DC. I wanted to get through them before it was bad. I saw a small car pull up. I was hoping it was Paige friend. I opened my door.

[Damn! I was almost late. I missed a turn using Map Quest. What a surprise. I hope Paige boss is nice. I am still wondering what's up with him. How come no one else wants to be his assistant. Don't they have enough employees at his work, that would jump at the opportunity to help there boss. I was getting more confused when I saw a mini van parked in the front. It was parked in the CEO spot. I guess this was him. I rolled down the window.]

I hoped out of the van. She had rolled down the window. "Hi! Good Morning. I'm Buck Kelly. You must be Princess?" I said. She smiled. "Yes! Good Morning! Mr. Kelly." she said. "Call me Buck. Mr. Kelly sounds a little to formal. Any trouble finding the office. Paige has told me nothing but good things about you. Did you bring the donuts???" I said. "Donuts??? She forgot to mention that. I...I.." she said. "Only kidding. I hope you don't mind going through the drive thru. You can park right over there. Can I help you with your luggage?" I said. She smiled again. "Sure! Thanks. Let me pop the trunk." she said.

[My mouth slightly fell open. I was going to kill Paige when I got back. She forgot to mention her boss looked younger than 25 years old. He also was about 6ft 4 with a very nice tan on his athletic body. He was sporting a short haircut, some sexy blue eyes and a smile that would stop traffic. What had I got myself into. Would he even like me now. He was probably expecting some young girl. Not a 33 year old woman. He probable prefer some short, skinny chick. Not a 5ft 11" woman with curves. I was almost to embarrass to open the car door now.]

I walked around the back of the car. I looked around her trunk. I could see she was looking around her front seat. I hope everything was OK. I waited another minute before I heard the trunk pop open. I opened her trunk. She had one huge suitcase and a small bag. I pull out the handle to wheel the bag behind me. I walked toward her driver side door.

[It was now or never. I could not sit in here much longer. I could not disappoint my husband or Paige. Plus she must have told him about me. I was still nervous. I hit the button to pop the trunk. I think he is actually being a gentleman and getting my bag. God he looks hot in that white shirt and those tan shorts. I need him to walk in front of me. I need to check out his ass. I think I am having a hot flash from him. My mind was going crazy. I heard the car trunk slam shut. Is he getting my door for me. I better smile.]

I looked down at her sitting in her car. She is very cute. Let me get her door. "Hey! Ready to go. I got your two bags. They feel a little light." I said. She giggled. She then swung her sexy legs out of the car. I held out my hand. "Such the gentleman. Do you do this for all your employees?" said Princess. "Yes! Don't forget your purse." I said. I pointed to her passenger seat. I watched as she leaned over her seat to get her purse. I almost fainted. She had been hiding her nice big sexy ass. Her white capri expanded sending shock waves up the back of my neck. She turned around to shut her door. I hope she did not catch me staring at her amazing butt. I was going to kill Paige when we got back. Princess is too sexy for me to handle for a ten days. I wanted to take her straight home and fuck her really good.

[He opened the door for me. "Don't forget your purse." he said. He pointed to my passenger seat. I had to lean over and get my big white purse off the other seat. Is he checking out my big ass. God what a fool I am. I only met him a minute and now I am bending over in these Capri's. He must not be watching. I looked between my thighs. I think he might be smiling. Maybe my eyes need to get check. I don't think his interested in a big gurl. Especially a married big gurl. I better be nice and thank him. God he smiling again. I don't know how I am going to last ten days without my husband. I never been gone more than a day. Now I am going on a trip with a sexy young man. I better control myself.]

We both walked toward my mini van. She seems to be falling back just a bit. Is she checking out my ass now. I better get her door. I clicked on the back door to open it. I put her two bags in the back. I walked around to open her door. "Thank you." she said. I watched as she slid her ass across the black leather seat. I closed the door. I walked around the front. I opened my door to get in. I pulled my seat belt on. I watched her put her seat belt on. The black belt fit tight on her chest. It was tight around her mid section. I was going to find it hard to keep my eyes on the road and not on her.

[I leaned back to catch a glimpse of his small tight ass. God he must work out. I would love to watch him work out. Control yourself Princess. He keeps smiling. I hope he is nice on this trip. His mini van is like the best ever. So many gadgets and there a satellite dish on the back. "Thanks!" I said. He opened my door. This seat belt is tight. I better suck it in. My boobs are pancaked. Maybe he won't notice. I hope he turns on the air. Its a little hot in here.]

I smiled again. I better turn on the A/C to cool me down. Its going to be a long trip. I stopped to get us some breakfast. Then we got on the road. I cut through traffic. We were almost to Washington D.C before my first call. "Buzz! Buzz!" I looked down. It was the office. "Hello! What's up Paige. Everything is good. Princess is very nice. Were almost into D.C. How's the office. OK! OK! I will pull over and send you a copy. Thanks..." I said. "Everything OK?" said Princess. "I have to send Paige an email from my lap top. I am going to pull over. Do you mind driving while I send it?" I said. "No! No problem. I'm here to help." said Princess.

[We took off right away. He got me breakfast. Very nice of him. I hope hubby got up for work. I wonder if I should call. Maybe later. He drives pretty good. I feel safe. We made some small talk. I can't believe he is single and so cute. I wish I was a few years younger. I should tell him about a friend of mine when I get a chance. Then again. I should just be professional. I think his cell is ringing. There that smile again. I hope he doesn't want me to drive. I hate all these 18 wheelers on the road. I better just smile and be nice. I think he talking to Paige. "Everything OK?" I said. "I have to send Paige an email from my lap top. I am going to pull over. Do you mind driving while I send it?" said Buck. "No! No problem. I'm here to help." I said. He pulled over and got in the back. I unbuckled my seat belt and moved over.]

I looked up to see Princess driving. I got out my laptop. I put in the WiFi card. A second later I was connected. Pulled up my email. Sent it off. I checked my inbox. Check MySpace. Few cute girls on. I better not. I then scanned over to some sports scores. I took another look up when I smelled Princess perfume again. It was turning me on. She reached for her sun glasses. She put them on. Very cute. I finally noticed her cute sexy white polished nails on the steering wheel. I looked down to see my cock was semi hard in my shorts. Now I was wondering how long I could hold out. I need to get to my room and whack one out before I explode in my shorts. "Your doing great Princess. Your making great time. Thanks once again." I said. She smiled.

[Damn this van got everything on the dash. How am I going to watch the road and not him in the back. Geez! He watching me in the rear view. I better put my dark shades on. Then he can't see me checking him out. I opened my purse. That's better. I looked down to see my white finger nails on the steering wheel. I wonder if Buck even noticed. Guys never do. Walk into a beauty shop and that all girls see. Is that his cologne. He smells great. Oh god. I think me panties are wet. Get a hold of yourself Princess. He just a young man. I hope we get to the hotel soon. I may need to feel my little Princess. I better turn up the air. "Your doing great Princess. Your making great time. Thanks once again." he said. I smiled.]

At the next rest area Princess pulled the van over. I started to drive. We got a late lunch around 2pm. Once again we ate in the van. We made some more small talk. I answered a few more calls from work. We were about thirty minutes from the hotel. "Buzz! Buzz!" I looked down at my cell. It was my contact for my first sales call tomorrow. I quickly picked it up. "Hello..Buck here." I said. "Hey what's up Mr. Kelly. Takeo Taknura here. I know your coming to the office tomorrow for the meeting. I was wondering if we could get together tonight when you get to the hotel. Maybe for dinner. We can go over some ideas." he said. I was hoping he call. I need to get his business. He's got broken English to go with his Japanese accent. "Sure! No problem. See you in an hour. We can eat at the hotel restaurant." I said. "Great!" he said. I hung up.

"Princess that was my client were going to meet tomorrow. He is going to take us out for dinner when we get to the hotel. We are almost there. Maybe take a few minutes to freshen up when we get there. Then meet me in the lobby. I know it's last minute. I'm sure it will be fun." I said. She smiled. "No problem. I just need a minute to call home. Check in. Then I will meet you in the lobby. I am here for what ever you need." she said. I smiled. "Thanks!" I said.

[We made some small talk. I tried not to stare at him driving. I took a few looks down at his sexy legs and the front of his shorts. It's OK to look. I wish I could touch. He answered a few calls from work. Then he got a call from his client for tomorrow sales call. The way he was smiling I knew he was going to ask me something. "Princess that was my client were going to meet tomorrow. He is going to take us out for dinner when we get to the hotel. We are almost there. Maybe take a few minutes to freshen up when we get there. Then meet me in the lobby. I know it's last minute. I'm sure it will be fun." said Buck. I smiled. "No problem. I just need a minute to call home. Check in. Then I will meet you in the lobby. I am here for what ever you need." I said. He smiled. "Thanks!" he said. Did I just say what ever he wants. Control yourself.]

I tossed the kid out front the keys. I opened the door for Princess to get out. I walked next to her into the lobby. I checked us in. The kid at the front desk gave us a key to our rooms. I was in 712 and Princess was in 714. I turned to see another kid with our luggage. We followed him to our rooms. "See you downstairs. Thanks once again." I said. I slipped the kid a twenty for bringing up the luggage. I then went to the mini bar as he shut the door. I got a beer before I unpacked. I could hear Princess in her room. The walls were kinda of thin. I looked down at the end of the room to see a door. The rooms must connect. I just smiled as I walked in the bathroom to reapply some deodorant and body spray. I put on a long sleeve button down shirt to wear. I left on the cargo shorts and sandals.

[Buck got my door again as we parked in front of the hotel. I followed him into the lobby. He handed me my key. He was next door. A bellman brought up our luggage. We got to his door first. "See you downstairs. Thanks once again." said Buck. I watched the bellman take his luggage in. He came back out and opened my door to my room. The room was very big. There was a huge balcony over looking the ocean. I could hear the waves. You could see everything on the 7th floor. There was a big couch and some chairs in the room. I opened another set of doors to the bedroom. I looked to see there was a door at the end of the wall. It must connect next door. I just smiled. "Ring! Ring!" I reached into my big purse. It was hubby cell phone. "I'm here. I'm good, how are you? How was work? That's good. I am just going to get changed. We are meeting a client of Mr. Kelly's downstairs for dinner. I will call you before bed." I said.]

I was down in the lobby waiting for Princess. The elevator door opened. She walked out. She had changed. She was now wearing a small white mini skirt. That showed off her sexy thick legs. She had on a dark blouse that was tight around he chest. She had teased up her red hair. Two guys walked by her and smiled. She looked very hot. I waved for her to come over. I then saw my client Mr. Taknura. "Good evening Mr. Taknura. May I introduce my assistant. Princess this is Mr. Taknura." I said. He smiled. "Nice to meet you Princess." he said. I raised my hand for the hostess. She sat us down at a far table. We spent the next 3 hours trying to make the sale. I picked up the tab as we walked Mr. Taknura to get him a cab. We had finished off a few bottles of wine over dinner.

[I changed into a white mini skirt and a black blouse. I hope it's not to crazy for them. I don't want to be embarrassed my first night out with my boss. I then teased up my hair before I put on some more perfume. I walked out shutting the door behind me. I hope the food good. The elevator door opened. Well he is smiling. That's good. I see a little Japanese guy next to Buck. "Good evening Mr. Taknura. May I introduce my assistant. Princess this is Mr. Taknura." said Buck. Mr. Taknura smiled. "Nice to meet you Princess." he said. I followed them to the table. Buck pulled out my chair as I smiled. We spent the next 3 hours talking and drinking wine. Buck picked up the tab as I followed them to the lobby. I opened the taxi for Mr. Taknura. I then turned to follow Buck back in the lobby.]

I was feeling a little buzzed. The wine was hitting me. I was really feeling it when Princess came up behind me. She touched my forearm as she stood next to me. I think she was feeling the wine to. "Thanks for your help tonight. I'm pretty sure we got his business thanks to you. I need to thank Paige when we get back." I said. She smiled. "My Pleasure. I'm glad. Thank you for dinner. It was nice. What time should I be in the lobby tomorrow?" she said. "9am. Thanks once again." I said. I hit the elevator button. "Going to get a drink in the bar before bed. See you in the morning." I said. I watched as Princess got in. Her sexy ass bounced into the elevator. I then walked to the bar to get a drink.

[I walked up next to Buck. I put my hand down. Was I touching him. Damn this wine was making me hot. I had a glow come over me. God he got big arms. I get kinda of horny when I drink. I better get to my room before I do something I might regret tomorrow. "Thanks for your help tonight. I'm pretty sure we got his business thanks to you. I need to thank Paige when we get back." said Buck. I smiled. "My Pleasure. I'm glad. Thank you for dinner. It was nice. What time should I be in the lobby tomorrow?" I said. "9am. Thanks once again." he said. He hit the elevator button. "Going to get a drink in the bar before bed. See you in the morning." said Buck. I got in the elevator. He gave me his sexy smile before the doors closed. I reached into my purse to call home. "Ring! Ring!" It went to voice mail. "Goodnight. Going to to you in the morning" I said.]

I walked into the bar. It was dead. Not one person in the bar. "Were just closing" said the bartender. I slipped her some $$$ to get me a 7 n 7. I got two more drinks to bring back to my room. I opened my door. It closed behind me. I put my two drinks on the small round table next to the glass window. I then walked back to the bathroom. I took off my shirt and hung it up. I took off my shorts. I took off my boxer briefs and sandals. I then reached into my suit case to get out a pair of black silk boxers. I love the way it feels on my cock. Same material as me bed sheets back home. My cock was getting bigger as it rubbed against the thin material. I wonder what Princess was doing next door. God how I wished I could see her right now. I took a sip of my drink.

[I guess hubby went to sleep. I walked down the hall to my room. The door closed behind me as I walked in. I walked over the mini bar. I got a small bottle of Vodka out. I took a big sip. I then got out another bottle. It was close to 11pm. I was feeling pretty good. I walked into the bathroom. I pulled down my zipper on my white mini skirt. I then unbutton my blouse. I hung them up as I walked back inside the bathroom. I looked in the mirror. I reached around the back to unhook my big white bra. I let it fall on the floor. I pulled down my panties. I put them both on the bed. I reached into my suit case. I pulled out one of my husband big white t-shirts. It felt nice on my warm skin. I looked toward the glass door leading out to the balcony.]

I looked around the room. I was going to watch a movie on the movie system. I hope they have a good selection of adult movies. I could not find the remote. I then looked outside my blinds. I could hear the waves crash down below. I pushed the glass door open. I could feel the warm breeze on my chest. I could then smell the ocean air. I looked up to see a full moon. It was dark but there was plenty of light on the balcony. I grabbed my drink. I walked out looking over the metal rail. The rail was just under my waistline. Being 6ft 4 helps sometimes. I looked over the balcony at the small people walking on the beach. I wonder if anybody could see me. I turned around to walk pass 2 metal chairs and back into my hotel room.

[I grabbed my Vodka bottle. I walked passed the mirror over the dresser. I saw my husband shirt barely covered my big ass and the front of my pussy. I had to stop for a second. I pulled it down to cover both. I hate for someone to see my up on the 7th floor. I gently opened the glass door. I walked outside into the warm air. I could see the moon and the stars. It was so nice outside. I could feel tiny bumps on my skin from the air and the Vodka. I took another sip. I looked over the metal rail to see the people on the beach. I could see a few people holding hands. The metal bar was rubbing against my breast. I looked down to see my left nipple was now erect from the cold steel. It had been a few weeks since I had sex. My pussy started to get warm. I turn around to see two metal chairs and a small table on the balcony. I sat on the small chair to my left.]

I walked over to shut off the lights in my room. I then turned around to walk back outside. I walked out to the small metal rail again. I looked to my left. I did not see anybody. I had a corner room. There was another hotel but it was more than a 100 yards away. I then slowly turned as I smelled some sweet perfume. Oh god it was Princess. I could smell her anywhere. I fully turned to see her sitting in a chair on her balcony. She had pushed her chair to the edge of the rail. She had put her two small feet on the metal. She had her legs slightly open. "Hey!" I said. She smiled. I took another step toward her. There was about a two inch gap between our balconies. "Hey! Did you get your drink at the bar?" she said. "Yes! I see you got one from the mini bar." I said. I smiled.

[I pulled the metal chair closer to the rail. I put my feet on the rail as I sat down. I opened my legs a little to feel the breeze between my legs. It had already found my freshly shave pussy. I usually let it grow out. But I wanted to be neatly trimmed for when I got home. I left a small dark 2 inch strip above my pussy. I could feel my two small lips get wet from the breeze. I was starting to get really turned on. What was that. Oh fuck. Is that Mr. Kelly over there. God he is wearing just a small pair of black boxers. Look at those muscles on his arms, shoulders and his big calves. Turn around for Princess. He has such nice hard abs and a flat stomach. Is he walking toward me. "Hey!" he said. I smiled. "Hey! Did you get your drink at the bar?" I said. "Yes! I see you got one from the mini bar." said Buck. He smiled. "Just a small bottle. How's your drink?" I said.]

I was now a few inches from the metal rail facing toward Princess. "Just a small bottle. How your drink?" she said. "Good!" I said. I looked down when I felt my semi hard cock hit the metal rail. I heard a small bong when I hit my cock under the thin material. "Bong!!!!" I looked down to see my cock was over the top of the rail sticking straight out over the rail. My balls were under the rail. The top of the thin black silk boxers was sticking out from my abs. I was now crossing into her balcony with my erect cock. I just stood there as she put her small hand up to her mouth. She finished off her small bottle of vodka. I finished my drink.

["Bong!!" I turned my head when I heard Buck walk into the metal balcony. Is that his cock sticking straight out inside his boxers. Damn!! I was wondering what he was packing. I thought he might be big. I reached up to finish my Vodka bottle. I then put it on the floor next to my chair. I was feeling warm all over from the Vodka and wine from earlier. I saw him finish his drink. "Would you like another drink? I might have a few more bottles." I said. He smiled. I got up off my chair and walked into my room. I opened the mini bar. I took out two more bottle of Vodka. I then walked back outside to the balcony.]

"Would you like another drink? I might have a few more bottles." she said. I smiled. I watched as Princess got up and walked inside her room. I wanted so much to jump over the two metal rails and walk into her room. I started to rub my chest making my nipples hard. I looked down to see my cock was almost fully erect. Had another inch before I got to 9 3/4 inches. I gripped the metal rails. I was wondering if I should pull my cock back over when I saw Princess return with two bottle in her hands. She walked right up to me. She opened her legs. She was standing close to the rail. I was not sure she noticed my hard cock on the rail of her balcony. She had not looked down. She handed me a bottle. "Thank you." I said.

[Thank you." he said. "My Pleasure. I am your assistant remember. I am suppose to get things for you." I said. He smiled. "True!" he said. If he really knew what was in my mind. He might run back into his room. I was having naughty thoughts about him. My pussy was getting more wet. God I could feel the warmth from his hard cock under my husband shirt. I wonder if her could feel my hot pussy close to his cock. God I could feel both my nipples get hard. I think he noticed. His nipples are just as hard. Is his cock going to fall out yet. I want so badly just to pull his silk boxers off and suck his cock.]

She was talking I could not remember anything she was saying. I just stared at her hard nipples under her white shirt. Was that her husbands shirt. It was so small and tight on her chest. I finished my bottle of Vodka first. I took a big gulp. She still had hers. She then took it like a shot. I handed her my empty. She looked around her balcony. "You could put it next to the other one." I pointed toward her chair. She smiled. She then took a few steps. She slowly bent over exposing her large ass to me. Her white shirt slowly moved up her ass. Over her wide hips. It was now around her waist. I could see her amazing bare ass in the moon light. Her lower body was full exposed. She slowly put the two bottles next to her chair. Just like earlier today. I had her bend over to get her purse in the passenger seat. I could watch her do that all night.

[I kept talking. He kept checking out my chest. Most guys stare right at them. I watched as he finished his drink in one big gulp. I then took my turn drinking my bottle. Damn that burns the back of the throat. My body is so warm. My hands are tingling. My body is tingling. I am so horny. I looked around my balcony as he handed my his empty. "You could put it next to the other one." Buck pointed toward my chair. I smiled. I then took a few steps. I was not fully thinking as I slowly bent over exposing my large ass to him. What had I just done? Did I just flash him? My white shirt slowly moved up my ass. Over my wide hips. It was now around my waist. He must be laughing on the inside. Just like this morning with my purse. Why has he not left? He is just staring at my exposed body. I think he likes it. I better find out. It was just the first night of being his assistant. "Can I get you anything else Mr. Kelly? What do you desire?" I said. I curled my finger in my mouth.]

I was not expecting this. Most women with in the first few minutes I can tell were going to have sex. I had been good all day. Had Paige set me up. Was this going to be a practical joke or was I getting punked by her and the women in my office. Princess was driving me crazy. I was lusting after her. I know had to see what she be willing to do and what she let me do to her. Maybe a kiss. Maybe some oral. Maybe let me fondle those big breast of hers. "Can I get you anything else Mr. Kelly? What do you desire?" she said. Princess curled her finger in her mouth. I desired her. I had been wanting her all day since we met in the office parking lot. My cock had been erect not for twenty minutes watching her. I smiled. She inched closer to me. She was now right in front of me.

[God he was turning me on. Look as his killer smile. I inched closer to him. His mouth was wide open. He kept smiling. Was I leading him on? Was he just being nice to me? I wanted him in the worst way. I had never cheated on my husband. It was just my first night all alone. Was it the wine? I think it was him. He is so cute. I just have to touch his lips. I kissed a few guys over the years since I got married. But I had never wanted someone so badly. I had to see what he would do. I could always say no if it got out of control. I was now directly in front of him. His cocking is still making the front of his black silk boxers stand straight out. I moved so I was directly over his hard cock. My pussy was just inches above his hard cock. I still had my shirt pulled up. Had he even noticed. Should I pull it down now. All these thoughts were going through my mind.]

God she right above my cock. I can feel the heat from her pussy. Her shirt still pulled up exposing her lower half. I could see her large bare ass reflecting off the glass window. She arched her back exposing more of her ass to me. She looked over at the glass. She could see me watching her. "Oh my....I think my husband shirt has rode up on me." she said. "I hate when that happens." I said. We both giggled. "Maybe you should come over Buck. I don't want to slip on the rail being so high up. Plus what would the neighbors think of you out here with your silk boxers on." said Princess. "I think your right. Why don't you step back and I'll hop over." I said. She smiled as I moved over the metal rail. I put my feet down on Princess's balcony.

[I turned when I arched my back. I pushed my butt out more. His eyes got bigger. I was watching him in the glass window. "Oh my....I think my husband shirt has rode up on me." I said. "I hate when that happens." said Buck. We both giggled. "Maybe you should come over Buck. I don't want to slip on the rail being so high up. Plus what would the neighbors think of you out here with your silk boxers on." I said. "I think your right. Why don't you step back and I'll hop over." he said. He was now standing on my balcony. I had made the first move by inviting him over. I wanted him to make the next move. I was still trying to act shy toward him. I looked down to see his cock was making him boxers stick out more. It was slightly down and more out then before, when it rested on the metal rail. My mouth was drooling.]

I watched as she inched closer to me. I put my ass on the metal rail behind me. I was leaning on it as my cock pushed out in front of me. I was almost poking her belly button with the tip of my boxers. She looked down. If we got any closer I would be rubbing her bare skin with the tip of my covered penis. I wanted to touch her so badly. I was afraid to make the first move. But I had to. She invited me to her side. "I am just going to come out with out. Can I kiss you. I've wanted to since....mmmmph" I mumbled. I had leaned down. She was kissing me. Her eyes were closed as we kissed. She had very juicy lips as she sent sparks down my spine. God she kissed very good. She moved her lips off mine. Then we kissed harder than the first kiss. Her lips were locked on mine. I opened my eyes to see her sexy eyes on mine. She winked as she slipped me her hot tongue. I could feel her soft hands on my chest. She was rubbing my bare skin.

[I moved closer to him. He was now leaning on the rail. His big cock almost touching my belly button. I looked down to see how close he was. He looked very nervous. Like my first boyfirend many years ago. Was he going to kiss me. Did I have to throw myself at him. "Can I kiss you. I've wanted to since....mmmmph" he mumbled. He had leaned down. I was not going to let him speak one more second. I moved into him. I started to kiss him very powerfully. His mouth felt so soft on mine. His soft lips sent shivers through my body. I was melting from his sexy kiss. For being so young he could really kiss very well. I was impressed by his skills. He even closed his sexy blue eyes. I put my hands on his muscular chest. I moved my tongue in his mouth.]

I had my hands on the metal rail next to my ass. She removed her hands from my chest. Her eyes opened to see me staring at her. She winked. She moved my hands to her big breast. I started to rub them on the outside of the thin white t-shirt. I could feel her big nipples rub inside my palms. I pinched her left nipple making her moan in my mouth. We broke our long kiss. She looked into my eyes. I felt her nails run down my chest and over my abs. She found the front of my boxers. I quickly moved her 90 degress. She was now between my legs. Her ass on my left thigh. The front of her pussy on my right thigh. I reached down with my left hand to grope her big ass. I used my free hand to go under her shirt. I was fondling her big breast under her husband t-shirt. She moved her mouth back on mine. She moaned again.

[What was I doing? He making me weak in the knees. I kept kissing him. He was making me so hot and wet. I moved his hand from the rail. He began to rub my big breast. He is pinching my big nipples. He has no idea I love when my big breast are played with. I kissed him harder again. I looked back into his blue eyes. I started to run my nails down his chest. I wanted to touch his hard cock inside his boxers. I am so close to touching his cock. Oh god he is moving me on my side. His cock is poking my in my hip. I can feel his big hand on my ass. He got his long fingers exploring my ass. Fuck he is griping my ass. He driving me crazy. Now he is running his other hand under my husband shirt. He found my breast. He is running his hands all over my chest. In between my breast. He is pulling them up and pinching my nipples again. He is going to make me have a big orgasm from playing with breast. I have not felt this excited before.]

I started to gently spank her big ass with my left hand. She arched her back pushing her ass on my hand and thigh. I think she liked that. I reached up with my right hand to pull her white t-shirt over her big breast. She pushed her chest out making the bottom of the shirt hug above her breast. It was stuck on her chest. Her two big breast exposed to the warm air. I heard a big wave crash down below. I gust of salt air hit my nose. I then could smell her sweet perfume again. I then dropped my finger down the back of her ass crack. I could feel how hot she had become. She did not protest as I inched my finger closer to her pussy. I was pinching her nipples together using my big hand. She moaned. I found her pussy with my hand. I cupped her very hot pussy with my hand. I gently rubbed a finger just on the inside of her thick thighs. She pushed them together as she moaned.

[God he started to spank my ass. How did he know I liked to be spanked. He was now kneading my breast as he pushed up my shirt on my chest. He was smashing my breast together. I could feel the warm air on my nipples. My mouth was dry. His big fingers were touching my ass crack. He finally found my pussy. He was teasing me as he cupped my pussy with his hand. He had my two nipples together pinching them very hard. I was moaning. His breathing had increased to match mind. I pushed my big thighs together smashing his hand and fingers near my pussy. I felt like a teenager being felt up for the first time. He was exploring my body. His strong arms and big hands roamed over my soft skin. I was not sure if I could let him stick a finger in my pussy. It was still my husband.]

[After 20 minutes of some of the best foreplay in my life. I had to see his big young cock. I looked down next to my hip. I could see right inside his black silk boxers. I moved from his grip. He dropped his hands to his side. He had come close to putting his finger in my pussy. He had massaged my breast like no other. I wanted his cock now. I had to have it. I smiled as I got on my knees in front of him. My shirt was just on top of my breast near my neck. My breast stood straight out. I reached up to my hand on the front of his boxers. Fuck his cock felt hard. It moved inside the thin material. I hope he was not close to cumming. Would he start to ejaculate from my hand on his boxers. Did I have to be careful not to make him exploded. I wanted it in my mouth first. I wanted a taste before the explosion. I reached on the side of his small waist. I gripped his boxers. His covered cock in my face. I pulled them down.....]

I was close to putting my finger in her pussy. I could feel her body on mine. My cock was bending up on her hip. My hands got one last grip. Then I felt her move. We broke our kiss. She moved in front of me. I smiled as she got on her knees in front of my cock. I felt her hand on the front of my boxers. She was running her hands on the outside. She was moving my cock back and forth in my boxers. I then watched as she gripped the sides of my boxers. I was inches from her face with my cock. She then pulled down my boxers. My cock bent down then flopped back up almost hitting her chin and nose. She moved her head back then forward. She moved her two small hands to catch my cock. There was a big glob of pre-cum on the tip. She licked her big juicy lips. Her red hair sparkled in the moon light.

[His cock sprang out like a snake almost hitting my face. I moved my head back and then forward. Fuck his cock is big. It's long, wide and round. There was a big vein running down the top of his shaft. I looked at the tip. There's a big glob of pre-cum glistening from the moon light. I had never seen a more magnificent cock. It was so young and bold. I licked my lips. I looked down to a pair of large naked balls. He had shave all his hair down there. His balls, around his cock. There was just a small patch above his big cock. I was going to scream but I could not stop staring at his cock. What the fuck was I going to do next. I felt so guilty but I reached up to hold his cock in my right hand. I used my left hand to play with his big round balls. I gave his cock a big squeeze with my hand. He moved forward with his hips.]

She was squeezing my cock and rubbing my balls in her small hands. I watched as her big juicy red lips open wide. She stuck out her tongue to lick the tip of my cock. She then slid her big wide tongue down under my shaft. She moved her lips around my cock as she put her finger nails on my thighs. She scratched them as she ran her tongue around the tip of my cock. She was driving me nuts. She then took about a half of my cock in her mouth before she spit me out. There was a small trail of saliva running from wet cock to her mouth. "This is a one time thing Buck. I am married and your my boss. You can tell no one about this. Do you promise. That is good. I am only going to suck your cock. You can not fuck me. That is for my husband only. Mmmmmm your cock is nice honey..." she moaned.

[I opened my mouth to lick the tip of his cock. His cum is very sweet and sticky. God he taste good. His cock is so big. I don't know if I can swallow all of it but I am going to try. His balls feel good. He has such strong legs. I love his calves and ankles. He must work out allot. I start to suck more of his cock in my mouth. My tongue is swirling around his cock, balls and shaft. I can see him smile. His knees are shaking from my blow job. I can't do anything more to him. It would be cheating. "This is a one time thing Buck. I am married and your my boss. You can tell no one about this. Do you promise. That is good. I am only going to suck your cock. You can not fuck me. That is for my husband only. Mmmmmm your cock is nice honey..." I moaned on his cock. He nodded his head "Yes!" I kept sucking his young hard cock.]

I could feel her large breast against my legs. I looked down to see her white shirt above her breast. I had to feel her big breast in my hands. I ran my fingers in her red hair. She smiled with my cock in her mouth. God she was sucking my cock very well. She kept inching more of my cock in her mouth. I was not sure she could get all 9 3/4inches but she was trying. I watched her mouth fill up as she sucked harder. I pulled my cock from her mouth. She tried to get her mouth back on my cock. I started to rub my cock on her face. She moaned as I slapped her tongue with my cock. I jammed my cock back in her mouth. I pushed my hips forward pushing more of my cock in her mouth. Her eyes started to tear up from pleasure. She had her lips at the base of my cock. My big balls on her chin. She then spit out my cock. She licked my cock to the base near my ass.

[I took a peak up at his blue eyes. He was watching me suck his cock. He smiled again. I pushed my chest on his legs. I put my hands on his calves. I then started to eat more of his cock in my mouth. I was going to get him all the way in or gag to death. I got almost to the base of his cock. He was slapping my face again with his cock. On my forehead, cheeks and lips. He grabbed my red hair with his hands. He jammed his cock back in my mouth. My eyes were watering. I finally got his cock all the way in my mouth. I held it for a few seconds before I spit out his cock. He smiled. I then started to lick under his cock. I went all the way down between his legs. I moved my mouth under his ass. Kissing and sucking all over him. I think he was enjoying my lips on his skin. I looked up his small ass to see his muscular back. It was going to be hard not letting him fuck me.]

My bare ass was on the metal rail. I reached down to pull off her husband white t-shirt. She put her hands above her head. She had said she only suck my cock. I was hoping she let me tit fuck her next. I wanted to wrap her large breast around my cock. I dropped her husband shirt on the floor of the balcony. She smiled as she was now completely naked in front of me. I reached down to play with her breast. She moved up to let me have a better feel. She tilted her head back to let my fondle her breast. I picked them up and then dropped them on her chest. They made a loud noise. I did this a few times. I then reached down to pinch her big fat nipples. I pulled on them and them dropped them on her chest. She moaned. I could tell she was liking this. She dropped her hands between her legs. I then started to smack her big breast together causing her to moan.

[He reached down to pull off my husband t-shirt. He dropped it on the floor next to my left knee. I was now naked in front of my boss. He reached down to play with my breast. I leaned up letting him play with them. He knew how to massage my breast very well. He knew what women wanted. He was young but very skilled in giving me pleasure. I put my hand between my legs. I had to feel how wet I was. My pussy was almost dripping from him man handling my breast. I could see him smile as he smacked my breast together. He was pulling on my nipples. I moaned very loud. I now put my middle finger in my pussy. My finger was so wet. I wonder if he could tell. I was sure he could smell how excited I was. I was letting him move my breast closer to his cock.]

I looked down to see her smile. She knew I wanted to fuck her tits. She opened her mouth to let out some saliva on her breast. She pushed her breast together with her small hands. I pushed my cock between her warm cleavage. She moaned. I dropped my cock down. Then back up. I moved my legs. I was fucking her breast very slow. She started to rub her breast up and down on my cock. I grabbed her red hair. I pulled her hair making her smile. She was fucking my cock with her warm breast. She tried to kiss the tip of my cock when it came out her cleavage. I could see her tongue touch the tip. She giggled as I pulled out my cock and slapped her tits with it. I think she liked that. I pulled her hair and her mouth back on my cock. She sucked a few minutes before she put it back in her cleavage. I was close to my first orgasm.

[I smiled. I knew he wanted to fuck my breast. I wanted to feel his big cock between my breast. I figured it would be OK. I loved what he was doing to my breast. I love when a guy man handles them. He was doing a great job at massaging them. I jacked his cock in my hand. I then spit between my breast. I was feeling so dirty. My new boss was going to fuck my breast. I had only let my husband fuck them a few times. Now my new boss, who I met earlier today was going to stick his big young cock in them. I wrapped my breast around his big cock. I could just see the tip sticking out. I had to lick it. He was fucking my breast. I then started to rub my breast on either side of his cock. He was pulling my hair. I could tell he was close to cumming. "Cum on my tits Buck. She me how you like them. Cum for me baby." I said. His legs moved. I felt his balls. He was so close. I started to jack his cock very hard.]

I looked down. She opened her mouth. She aimed my cock at her tongue. She was jacking my cock very fast. "Cum on my tits Buck. She me how you like them. Cum for me baby." she said. I could not last any longer. I took a big breath. I then mumbled something. "Argghhhh..." Her eyes got big. The first two spurts hit her upper lip. The next shot hit her tongue. The next her chin. She then put her lips around my cock. She started to pump my cock in her mouth. A tiny drop fell out the side of her mouth. She swallowed a big load. She then cleaned off my cock and balls. She wiped her face as she let go of my cock. I was still hard. My cock moved in front of her face. She reached up to jack my cock one more time.

[I opened my mouth. He said something. Then he just exploded. I never seen or tasted anything like it. He covered my lips. Then my tongue. Then my chin with his big load. I put his cock in my mouth. He filled up my mouth. I tried to swallow all his sweet sticky load. I think a few drops fell out. I then cleaned off his cock with my mouth. I licked my lips. Fuck that was beautiful. His cock is still hard in front of my face. How could he have anymore in that cock of his. I was being hypnotized by his cock. He reached down to help me to my feet. He started to suck on my left breast. He was licking my hard nipple. What had just happened. I was not expecting so much from him. Now he wanted more. His eyes were wide open as he sucked the tip of my breast. He had the front of my breast and nipple in his greedy mouth. He let my breast fall. He did it again. Is that his hand between my legs.]

God her body felt great in my hands. I had her between my legs as I sucked on her breast. I then started to suck the side of her neck. I dropped my right hand between her legs. I know she said she only suck my cock. But would she let me suck her wet pussy. I could smell her pussy as I kissed her neck. She moved her head to meet my lips with hers. We began to French kiss as I ran my fingers between her legs. I moved my hand up to feel her pussy lips on the back of my hand. She moaned in my mouth. She then broke our kiss. I turned her around between my legs. I put my hands on her wide hips. I started to walk her to the other rail overlooking the Ocean. I moved her feet onto the bottom rail. She was now standing on the metal. She was about 4 inchs off the ground. Her waist was over the ledge. She arched her back sticking out her big ass in my stomach.

[He was massaging my breast. He then started to kiss and suck my neck. He was making me more wet. Oh god his hands was really between my legs. I did not protest. I was sure he hand no idea how to please a woman. Most young guys don't know there way around pussy. He spun me around. He walked me over to the other rail. I could see the water. He moved me up on the bottom metal rail. I was bent over the edge with my big breast falling in the warm air. I looked over my shoulder. He squatted down on his legs. What was he going to do next. I could hear him lick his fingers. What was he going to do. God he is moving his wet fingers under my ass. He so close to my pussy lips. I closed my eyes. I picture my husband behind me. I was getting more excited. I then felt my small pussy lips open. His wet middle finger began to push inside my pussy. I tensed up forcing his finger out. He then started to lick my ass. He began to suck on my big ass cheeks. He ran his finger down my big crack between my cheeks...I no longer pictured my husband...It was Buck back there..]

I squatted down. She was looking over her shoulder. I licked my middle finger. I touched her juicy wet cunt lips. She moaned. I inserted my finger inside her. Her pussy muscles pushed me out. I started to lick her big ass. I then kissed and sucked her ass. I ran my finger down her big ass crack. She was moving up and down. I then opened her ass with my two big hands. I darted my tongue out onto her pussy mound. I started to suck her small cunt lips. She moaned. Her hands came back to open her butt for my inspection. I pushed her hands opening her up more for me. I started to lick, suck and push my wide tongue in her pussy. She was very sweet to the taste. I moved my finger in my mouth. I then pushed it back in her pussy. She screamed. I started to finger her very fast as I licked her pussy with my mouth. She was close to her first orgasm.

[I reached back to give him better access to my pussy and ass. It had been along time since someone had gone down on me. I was breathing heavy. His tongue was now inside my pussy. He got right in with no problem now. He was sucking my pussy very fast. He then stuck his finger back in me. He found my wet spot. He was making me so wet. I knew I was going to get me off. I held out as long as I could. He was very good at eating pussy. I had underestimated him. Buck knew his way around my pussy. He brought me to the brink of an orgasm only to slow down or rub in the opposite direction. "Your such a big tease. I need to orgasm baby. Let me get off. Your teasing my pussy baby..." I moaned. He then stopped.]

I brought her to the brink a few times before I slowed down. "Your such a big tease. I need to orgasm baby. Let me get off. Your teasing my pussy baby..." she moaned. I then stopped. She wiggled her ass. I looked between her legs. Her pussy was dripping wet from my mouth. I pushed my finger inside her pussy. She was very close to cumming. I then stood up. I pushed my hard cock on her ass. I started to suck the back of her neck. I ran my hands down her back. She turned her head to kiss me. I held her hips with my hands. I pushed my cock down under her pussy. My cock was between her legs. She was still on the small ledge with her feet. My cock was rubbing her small small pussy lips. She was moving her pussy back and forth on my cock. I was not inside her but I was so close. "Do you want me to stop?" I said.

[I felt him kiss my ass one more time. He then put his finger inside my pussy. He stood up. I could feel his big cock on my ass. What was he doing? My pussy was aching for him. I was so close to my first orgasm. I wanted to finger myself if he was not going to do it. Oh god his cock between my legs now. Just under my pussy. I can feel his cock on my pussy lips. I'm humping his cock now with my big thighs. He is going to make me orgasm now. I can feel it between my thighs. "Do you want me to stop?" said Buck. My mind said "Yes!!!!" but my pussy said "HELL NO FUCKER!!!!" I moved up and than fell back on his cock. His cock pushed past my cunt lips. He was now half way inside me. I'm so naughty. I felt like he was going to rip me in two. Could anyone see us. I forgot we were out on my balcony. Now I was fucking my boss. I lasted a few seconds. "Yes!!!!!!!! Fuck!!!" I screamed. I started to orgasm on his cock. He did not stop fucking me. Buck picked up the pace. He was slamming his cock deep inside me.]

She moved up and then her pussy lips parted on my cock. I felt her pussy muscles open as half my cock was inside her. She was very tight. I grabbed her hips fucking her very hard. My body slamming against her. "Yes!!!!!!!! Fuck!!!" she screamed. I pushed my cock in as far as it would go. My balls hit her skin for the first time. Her body was shaking under me. I could feel her pussy get hot. Then she soaked my cock with her pussy. She was dripping as I kept fucking her faster. I then felt her body relax. I moved her right leg on the edge. I started to fuck her in a different position. I reached around to play with her big breast. I squeezed them harder making her moan. She had another big orgasm. I slowed down. I was now close. I was going to pull out. I gripped her hips. She looked over her shoulder. "It's OK. Keep fucking me." she said. I tensed up shooting a big load deep in her.

[He was all the way inside my pussy. The deepest I had let someone go. He was stretching me out. I could feel his big balls on my skin. I looked up. Then I started to orgasm on his cock. A few minutes later I orgasm again from his young cock. He had gotten me off twice now from his cock. I could feel him deep inside me. He was gripping my hips very hard. His big hands were on my breast. He was making my body warm to the touch. God he could fuck really good. It had been so long since someone made me this horny. I had to feel his next load isnide my pussy. He was slowing down. "It's Ok. Keep fucking me." I said. He tensed up shooting a big load deep inside me. A few minutes later he pulled out and was standing behind me. I grabbed his hand. He opened the glass door to my room.]

I slowly pulled my cock out of her tight pussy. Her pussy had milked my cock clean. Her fluids and mine were on my cock now. I looked down to see it was shiny in the moon light. She grabbed my hand. I opened the glass door to her room. She walked over to her side of the bed. She pushed her white bra and panties on the floor. She pulled the covers back. She got in. She was on her back with her legs wide open. She put her finger to her mouth. "Shhhh!!! The room has thin walls." I turned off the light next to her bed.

Part 2
"The Next Day"
Cumming soon....
