XiaXue Vs. Dawn Yang, The Female Singaporean Blogger War Poll Results


You want my opinion?
Results from the XiaXue vs. Dawn Yang Polls are in and to say it was a no contest would be an understatement. Surely many of you out there have heard about the mega-catfight between Singaporean female bloggers, Dawn Yang and Xiaxue. It all started when the media started to compare the two, and one of them stood up saying that she is better than the other and the other said I am prettier. Or something like that, I can't keep up with this feud... The blogywoodbabes.blogspot.com gets a lot of Singaporean visitors so I wanted to get an opinion on this nasty feud. And now I know for sure what the people think! I will still not take sides or anything in this battle, well not yet at least. And that is because I am not sure about everything yet so I will be neutral, though I am leaning. Lets review the Poll Results, its not scientific but with over 8,000 votes made in the most voted poll we should get a good idea on public opinion. I fully thought these polls would go the other way because of their website page views but I was shocked by the final vote. Please visit the winner's BLOG and show some love. The poll result says:

The People Love Dawn Yang and Think XiaXue is a Slut!

Dawn Yang

Please forward the poll results to each lady. I want them to see the result from these 15 polls. email them and leave comments on their blogs about the polls. The winner is getting hot links to her blog to go along with the honor of winning the the battle of the polls. Below is a graph comparing their percent of global Internet users who visit their blogs. Click this link to visit the winner's blog, its a prize for winning.

Here are the results below with my notes on each poll and with my vote.

Who would you prefer to fuck?

7014 (84%)
1283 (15%)

Total Votes: 8297

note: A lot of people want to fuck Dawn, this poll was a blowout in favor of Dawn. I voted in favor of Dawn on this one because I prefer her look and her style over Xiaxue. I thought Dawn would win this one and she did. And I would fuck them both but I would prefer Dawn's pussy.

Who should shut the hell up?

1214 (21%)
4520 (78%)

Total Votes: 5734

note: Wow, people are tired of XiaXue. I voted that Dawn should shut the fuck up because she is suing XiaXue just for saying shit, I hate lawyers and I hate law sues. I don't think XiaXue saying Dawn had plastic surgery is worth going to court over, thats just bullshit. I thought XiaXue would win this one but she did not. Suing people because they say they think you have had cosmetic surgery is just stupid, I can't believe the Singaporean courts have time for this shit. Is Dawn willing to open up her medical records to the court and XiaXue lawyers to prove she has not?

Who is sexier?

5392 (90%)
551 (9%)

Total Votes: 5943

note: Another blowout in favor of Dawn. I voted in favor of Dawn on this one because I prefer slender chicks but I think XiaXue would do better in the sexy department if she just wasn't trying so hard, instead of dressing slutty she should visit a gym 2 times a week or just jog 3 days a week. I thought Dawn would win this one and she did.

Who started the Catfight/Feud?

841 (17%)
3864 (82%)

Total Votes: 4705

note: What the hell? I thought this poll would be much closer. I voted in favor of XiaXue and against Dawn on this one because from what I was hearing it seem that Dawn first insulted XiaXue. I thought XiaXue would win this one but she did not, it was not even close. Huge shocker... I know XiaXue is the one that is fighting the hardest but I thought Dawn started the feud when newspaper compare the two and she told reports that she was prettier than XiaXue.

Who is prettier?

4980 (92%)
426 (7%)

Total Votes: 5406

note: The biggest blowout in favor of Dawn. I voted in favor of Dawn on this one because I dislike the colored contact lens and the dye hair color look of XiaXue. I like my Asian chicks to look Asian and not trying to look white. I know XiaXue think Dawn is damn fake and that might be true and I too hate girls with a lot of plastic surgery done on them but Dawn still look more natural than XiaXue. I think it might be true that Dawn has had a lot of work done, she still look more natural and she does not look like she is trying to be white. But if Dawn does not stop with the plastic surgery, she well end up looking like Michael Jackson. I thought Dawn would win this one and she did. I know the XiaXue's look is popular in Singapore but I totally hate it, the girls with this style look like dolls with fake eyes and fake hair and a shit load of makeup caked on to their face. They look like transsexuals, the tranny look is disgusting. Bitches are just trying too hard. XiaXue's friend Kaykay has the same style and look but just a little less trying to be white and a little less tranny looking.

Who is more honest and open?

3141 (66%)
1573 (33%)

Total Votes: 4714

note: Another blowout in favor of Dawn. I voted in favor of XiaXue on this one because I just think she is very honest and open on her blog. Although she does moderate the comments on her page like a communist police state and Dawn let anyone post a comment. I just think XiaXue put almost everything she can on her blog, I thought the fact that she put the papers from Dawn's lawyers up was pretty cool. I thought XiaXue would win this one but she did not.

Who is a better blogger?

2991 (66%)
1475 (33%)

Total Votes: 4466

note: Another shocking blowout in favor of Dawn. I voted in favor of XiaXue on this one because I think XiaXue blog is more interesting and I think its updated more often too. I thought XiaXue would win this one but she did not.

Who do you think would be willing to take it up the ass?

2413 (49%)
2447 (50%)

Total Votes: 4860

note: LOL... This was the closest poll. I am going to say taking it up the asshole is a bad thing so the poll result is in favor of Dawn, some people might disagree with me whether a girl offering up anal sex a good or bad thing. Culturally I think its considered low class so I am saying damn won this one with less vote. LOL... I voted that XiaXue would be more willing to take it up the ass because I think XiaXue would be up for anything, especially if her friends are doing it too. But I did thought Dawn would win this poll but she did not. I thought so cause a lot of guy like girls that are willing to do that and guys like Dawn so they would vote that way as a result of wishful thinking.

Who would you want as a friend?

3880 (83%)
742 (16%)

Total Votes: 4622

note: Yup... Another shocking blowout in favor of Dawn. I voted in favor of Dawn but I thought XiaXue would win this one but she did not. XiaXue's blog is way more popular than Dawn's blog in terms of the amount of people that visit each blog and page views so you would think XiaXue would have more people who want to be her friend. And she is doing a contest to select a new BFF and people are actually trying to win this thing. To be honest, the only reason I would want to be Dawn's friend is to get some of that pussy and the only reason I would want to be XiaXue's friend is to get more web traffic from Singapore, I think she might be able to get me more traffic. My blog is ranked the 197th most popular website in Singapore, its a good number but I want to be in the top 100 most visited site so bad. Come on Singapore!!!

Who do you think has been with more men?

2271 (46%)
2586 (53%)

Total Votes: 4857

note: Another close poll in the favor of Dawn. But I voted that Dawn has been with more men because she travels a lot to places where there are a lot of rich dudes and she is a model and rich guys like to fuck models. I thought Dawn would get more votes on this one and she did not. XiaXue lost again, seem that people think she is a slut too. I think, No, I know Dawn has fucked more men but people just don't she things the same way as I do.

Who is funnier?

2266 (55%)
1839 (44%)

Total Votes: 4105

note: What the hell again? I thought this poll would be the other way around. I voted in favor of XiaXue on this one because I have never seen anything funny on Dawns blog. I thought XiaXue would win this one but she did not, she is kinda funny and try to be funny. Dawn is pretty but not funny, thats just bullshit cause dudes are voting with their dicks. XiaXue's blog have made me laugh, I hav never laugh at anything on Dawn's blog.

Who do you think lost her virginity at a younger age?

1866 (38%)
2969 (61%)

Total Votes: 4835

note: Another blowout in favor of Dawn and against XiaXue, apparently people think XiaXue is a huge slut. I voted that XiaXue lost her virginity at a younger age because she seem like a wild girl. I thought Dawn would have gotten more votes on this one but she did not.


Who is more likely to be infected with a STD?

1256 (28%)
3133 (71%)

Total Votes: 4389

note: Another blowout in favor of Dawn and against XiaXue. Why do people think XiaXue is a huge slut? I voted that Dawn is more likely to be infected with a STD because she travels a lot and she is a model. I think she has been with more men so of course I think she is more likely to have a virus and she might be stupid enough to go raw. I thought Dawn would have gotten more votes than XiaXue on this one but she did not because people think XiaXue is a dirty slut.

Who is more fake?

1253 (31%)
2758 (68%)

Total Votes: 4011

note: Another blowout against of XiaXue and I am in full agreement. I voted that XiaXue is more fake than Dawn because XiaXue just look fake. I thought XiaXue would get more votes than Dawn on this one but she did.

Who do you think have a tighter pussy?

4522 (75%)
1434 (24%)

Total Votes: 5956

note: My favorite poll question and Dawn is the clear victor but I am in full disagreement with the poll results. I voted that I think XiaXue had a tighter pussy because XiaXue is short as balls. I say shorter chicks tend to be more tighter than taller girls unless the shorter girl is like 10 years older and/or 10 years more experienced fucking. I thought XiaXue would have won this one but she did not. People who voted in these polls think XiaXue is a loose vagina slut and thats just bad. Even the fact that XiaXue is kinda fatter than Dawn should have edhelp her on this question. More meat around her cunt should make her tighter right? Just think about it, fat people don't have bigger mouths. Their mouths seem smaller to me, just go get a blowjob from a fat chick and tell me the suction is not way better than a skinny chick.


With 15 out of 15 wins, it was a clean sweep. Here are more photos of the winner in the XiaXue vs. Dawn Yang Polls! >>>Ms. Dawn Yang<<<


Please visit www.DawnYang.com because she won this shit!!!